
Page 19 ©2001~2007 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company
3.2.4 [DISPLAY]
To select, from a variety of choices, the information that is displayed on the second line of
the MFC-CB display.
MFC-CB supports a variety of advanced DISPLAY functions that are displayed on the
bottom line of the MFC-CB display. The available DISPLAY functions are:
DEV1&2 (see Section Displays both device channels simultaneously with
DEV1 always on the top line and DEV2 always on the bottom line. This function can
be useful when working with two MFCs simultaneously.
SUM (see Section Displays the sum of the two device
channel measurements. Requires that DEV1 and DEV2 be set to the same unit
of measure. This function can be useful to view the combined flow of two MFCs.
DIF (see Section Displays the difference between the inactive device
channel and the active device channel measurements (inactive channel-
active channel). Requires that DEV1 and DEV2 be set to the same unit of measure.
This function can be useful to view the difference between two flow rates.
RATIO (see Section Displays the ratio of the inactive device channel
measurement and the active device channel measurement (inactive
channel/active channel). Requires that DEV1 and DEV2 be set to the same unit
of measure. This function can be useful to view the ratio of two flow rates.
UNIT (see Section Allows the current device channel measurement to be
viewed in two of its available units of measure simultaneously. This function can be
used to display the MFC sensor’s electrical output and corresponding flow
rate simultaneously.
CLEAN (see Section Blanks out the second line of the display except for
the active device channel indicator. This function is used when only a simple display
of set point and measurement for the active device channel with no other information
is wanted. The CLEAN DISPLAY is MFC-CB’s default display.
To select a DISPLAY function, press [DISPLAY] from the MAIN run screen.
The display is:
1DEV1&2 2sum 3dif
4ratio 5unit 6clean