
MFC-CB™ Operation and Maintenance Manual
©2001~2007 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company Page 18
3.2.3 [POWER]
To display of the set value unaltered by K or adjustment values and to display the valve
test point.
The electrical value actually output by MFC-CB in response to a set point entry may be
different from the set point value due to the application of a K factor (see Section 3.2.1)
and/or a
n adjustment factor (see Section 3.3.5). See Section 7.1.1 for details on the
culation of the actual set point. The [POWER] screen displays the actual electrical
value output by MFC-CB in response to a set point input.
Some mass flow controllers allow access to a valve test point voltage measurement to
assist in troubleshooting the MFC’s operation. MFC-CB can measure and display the
valve test point voltage. A display of this value is available by pressing the [POWER]
function key.
The valve test point is always in Volts (V), even for an MFC whose set point and flow
measurement are in current (mA.).
For MFC-CB to display the valve test point, the MFC being used must support valve test
point measurement and be properly connected to the MFC-CB. Refer to the MFC
manufacturer’s documentation for information on the valve test point and to Section 7.2
for in
formation on MFC-CB DEV1 and DEV2 connections and pin outs.
To display the set point and MFC valve test point press [POWER] from the run screen.
The display is:
1. Actual set point for active device channel.
2. Active device channel indicator.
3. Current valve test point reading.
Press [ESCAPE] or [ENTER] to return to the MAIN run screen.
The POWER run screen displays the actual MFC set point which may be different from the
entered set point due to the application of a K factor and/or adjustment factors (see
Section 7.2).
The POWER screen is a run screen from which other functions can be accessed.
For example, while in the POWER screen, press [SET MFC] to change the MFC set point,
[DEV1/2] to change device channels or [MFC] to select a new MFC profile.
Set point: 2.0000
Valve: 3.475 V D1