
Page 87 © 1998-2007 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company
After the last of the twelve characters has been entered, the <Save ID?> option
is offered. Select <1no> to return to the ID edit screen. Select <2yes> to save
the edited ID.
The ID can also be set remotely from a computer which is quite a bit more
convenient than entering characters from the keyboard (see Section 4.3.4).
The ID cannot be cleared or reset by any RESET functions (see Section 3.6.1). <5LOG>
To view and/or clear the molbox RFM event log.
molbox RFM records to a log each time one of the following events occurs:
An over-pressure occurs (see Sections 3.1.6, 3.6.3)
A memory fault occurs
To view the event log press [SPECIAL] and select <5prefs>, and then <5log>.
The oldest logged event appears. Pressing [ENTER] steps through the logged
events from the oldest to the most recent and ending with the option to clear the
log <Yes> or <No>.
If NO events have been logged: <End of log> displays.
3.6.6 <6REMOTE>
To configure the molbox RFM COM1, COM2 and IEEE-488 communication ports. To test
COM1 and COM2 communications.
The molbox RFM has two RS232 communications ports referred to as COM1 and COM2 and
a single IEEE-488 port. COM1 and the IEEE-488 port are for communicating with a host
computer (see Section
4.1). COM2 is reserved for communicating with an external device
(e.g., a multimeter, second molbox, MFC controller, etc.). These ports can be set up from the
molbox RFM front panel.
RFM provides a self-test for its RS232 communication ports. The self-test allows
verification that the molbox RFM RS232 ports (COM1 and COM2) are operating properly and
that a valid interface cable is being used.
The RS232 test has two steps:
n COM1 sends a message to COM2.
o COM2 sends a message to COM1.
In each step, molbox RFM checks the message received at the receiving COM port. If the
receiving COM port times out or receives an incorrect message, that step of the test fails.
To access the port configurations, press [SPECIAL] and select <6remote>.
Select <1COM1>, <2COM2>, or <3IEEE-488> to view and/or edit that port’s settings.
Press [SPECIAL] and select <6remote>, <4RS232test> to access the RS232 self-test.