
© 1998-2007 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company Page 84 UPPER LIMIT ALARM AND SEQUENCE
When the pressure reaches the upper limit, molbox RFM continues normal
operation but sounds an audible alarm. The alarm ceases if the pressure is
decreased below the upper limit.
When pressure reaches the overpressure
limit, molbox RFM valves close, normal
operation ceases and the display
670.250 kPa 651.780
The top line indicates the current pressure measurement of the upstream (left)
and downstream (right) RPTs. The bottom line is the over pressure warning.
Pressure indications that are grossly out of scale generally indicate that the
RPT(s) have been fatally overpressured.
Other menus can be observed but the MAIN run screen can not be accessed
and no molbox RFM internal valves can be operated. To return the molbox RFM
to normal operation, it must be turned OFF and back ON or press [ENTER] from
the overpressure screen. When molbox normal operation is reestablished, its
isolation valves will open. Be sure the situation that led to the overpressure
condition is corrected before attempting to reestablish normal operation.
The upper limit and overpressure functions are intended to use molbox RFM's
features to the extent possible to protect the molbox RFM reference pressure
transducers (RPTs) against overpressure. The system is not failsafe and an
overpressure causing fatal damage to the RPTs can still occur. Ultimately,
protection of the RPTs is the responsibility of the user. RPTs damaged by
overpressure are not covered under the product warranty.
molbox RFM continuously monitors for maximum pressure. Whenever the
overpressure limit is exceeded, the pressure value reached, time and date are
logged to a privileged location. This information can be of use in determining
the events that led to an overpressure situation.
3.6.4 <4CAL>
To calibrate and adjust the molbox RFM reference pressure transducers and ohmic
measurement system.
The CALIBRATION functions are considered part of molbox RFM maintenance and are
therefore covered in the maintenance section of this manual (see Section 5).
3.6.5 <5PREFS>
To access a menu of molbox RFM internal operational preferences and functions.
These include:
<scrSvr>: View and change the SCREEN SAVER function (see Section
<sounds>: View and change valid and invalid keypad entry sound settings
(see Section
<time>: View and edit the internal time and date settings (see Section
<ID>: View and edit the molbox RFM user ID (see Section