
Page 79 © 1998-2007 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company <3COM>
To access Reset - Com, press [SPECIAL] and select <1reset>, <3com>.
Reset - Com clears and sets to default the molbox RFM communications ports
(see Section 3.6.6). This includes:
COM1 and COM2
Baud rate: 2 400
Parity: Even
Data bits: 7
Stop bits: 1
Terminating characters: <CR>, <LF>
Address: 10
Terminating characters: <CR>, <LF> <4CAL>
Use special caution with this reset as critical calibration data may be altered.
To access Reset - Cal, press [SPECIAL] and select <1reset>, <4cal>.
Reset - Cal clears and sets to default the user calibration coefficients for molbox
RFM Reference Pressure Transducers (RPTs) (see Section 5.2). If the molbox
RFM has been recalibrated at any time since its original factory calibration, the
recalibration adjustment was done using these user calibration coefficients. The
RPT cal coefficient defaults are:
Upstream and downstream absolute RPTs:
Adder 0
Multiplier: 1
Calibration Date: 19980101
Microrange differential RPT:
Adder: 0
Multiplier: 1
Calibration Date: 19980101
Reset - Cal has NO effect on the reference resistance values used to calibrate
the molbox RFM internal ohmic measurement system (see Section 5.3). <5ALL>
To return molbox RFM to the original, as delivered factory condition. Performs the
RESET - SETS, UNITS, COM and CAL functions and resets all other settable
values to defaults.
To access Reset - All, press [SPECIAL] and select <1reset>, <5all>.
Use special caution with this reset as critical calibration data may be altered.