
Page 39 © 1998-2007 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company
<#1> corresponds to the first of the six
available selections under the UNIT
function. Enter the number of the
selection that you would like to change.
The display becomes:
Flow unit type: 1std
2user 3perfect 4vlm
Select the flow unit type of the desired flow unit (see Table 11). Then select the
desired unit.
Table 11. Available Flow Units
<1std> <2user> <3perfect> <4vlm>
The <4vlm> unit selection embeds the selection “vlm” into the UNIT function
rather than a specific volume unit. The “vlm” selection provides access to all
of the volume flow units. In summary the unit types are:
<1std> (standard): mass flow units for which “standard” conditions are
temperature of 0 °C, standard atmosphere and using
the true compressibility factor of the gas.
<2user>: mass flow units for which “standard” conditions are a
user settable temperature, standard atmosphere and
using the true compressibility factor of the gas.
<3perfect>: mass flow units for which “standard” conditions are
temperature of 0 °C, standard atmosphere and
assuming a compressibility factor of 1 for all gases.
<4vlm>: volume flow
See Sections to for additional information on flow unit types.
3.4.4 [TARE]
[TARE] accesses five functions.
TARE function: To zero the molbox RFM differential pressure readings during
molbloc-L operation or verify the two RPTs by comparing them against each other during
molbloc-S operation (see Section
PURGE function: To purge the molbloc connecting lines and molbox RFM internal volume
of a first gas with a second gas by flowing the second gas through the molbox RFM (see Section
LEAK CHECK function: To check the molbox RFM internal pneumatic circuit and/or the
external test circuit to which molbox RFM is connected, for leaks (see Section