User's Manual

2 Chapter 1: The Basics
2 Thank You!
6 Wireless Identification Overview
7 ID Card Reader System
7 pcProx Output Formats
8 pcProx Features
8 pcProx Functions
8 pcProx Connectors
10 USB Readers & Wiegand Converters
10 RS-232 Readers & Converters
10 System Requirements
10 Card Compatibility
11 Chapter 2: Getting Started
11 Hardware Installation
11 pcProx Software Installation
15 Chapter 3: Configuration
15 pcProx Configuration Utility
15 Tool Bar
16 Connect Button
17 Disconnect Button
17 Open Button
18 Save Button
18 Defaults Button
19 Flash Button
19 About Button
20 File Menu
20 Connect Menu
20 Device Menu
21 Navigation Menu
21 View Menu
21 Help Menu
22 pcProx + Section
22 Connect Tab
26 Data Format Tab
29 Delimiters Tab
31 Timing Tab
33 SDK Tab
37 CHUID Tab
46 FIPS 201 Card Configuration
47 Chapter 4: ASCII Command Protocol
47 ASCII Command Overview
48 Connect Serial Communications
49 Command Structure
52 Help Command
54 Variable Command
58 ACP Error Codes
59 Chapter 5: Tips and Troubleshooting
59 Troubleshooting
60 Precautions
61 Appendix
62 The pcProx for Password Security
63 Index
64 Other Products and Accessories