Ea Reverent» model RVL50, RVL70 Installation Guide Read and Save These Instructions LCL EG Cy Watch the Installation videos at: preventative and Questions? Call 1-877-543-8698 (English) or 1-800-615-5439 (French)
Please Read and Save These Instructions Table of Contents Pogo 1... Table of Contents Pogo Specifications. page 3 ‘What's Inside The Box Safety Information Planning Your installation Connecting The Duet Removing Your Old Fan SheelLock® Easy Roominess Installation Installation For New Construction Framing Care And Cleaning Frequently Asked Questions 3 Year Limited Warranty Specifications RVL50 performance at 4" and 3" ducting Static Pressure Airflow Sound Energy Duct wg) {wal {in ©@m (tines) Size “0.
Voltage Frequency LED Watts LED Brightness LED Color Temp Fan Weight Shield Size Housing Length Housing Width Housing Depth* 120V 60 Hz 1/W 900, 1000, or 1000 Lumen 2700, 4000, or 5000 Kevin 40Lbs (18Kg) 9% cm) 7 in (184 cm) 7 %in (19.1 cm) 4%In (11cm) *This may require modification of your current opening. Some hand tools required. Power tools may also be necessary. RVL70 performance at Static Pressure Airflow {in wg) 01 0.
Safety Information LAVERN TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE, ELECTRIC SHOCK, OR INJURY TO PERSONS, OBSERVE THE FOL OWI a) Installation work and electrical wiring must bo done by ilo person(s) In accordance with ail applicable codes and standards, Including fir rated construction. b) Sufficient air is needed for proper combustion and exhausting of gases through the flue (chimney) of fuse booming equipment to prevent back drafting.
Planning Your Installation When Installing the ventilation fan In a new construction site, Install the man body of the FAN and duct work during the rough-in construction of the building. The SHIELD should be Installed after the finished ceiling Is In pace. When Installing In existing construction, use the provided cutout TEMPLATE for the ceiling. SHIELD edge should overlap finished ceiling. Not for use In cooking area ses diagram below.
Connecting the Duct © Install a circular duct to tourist and secure It with duct tape or clamps. © Install the duct to the outset with a gradient to the outside as Shawn. # The ducting from this FAN to the outside of the bulling has a strong effect an the alr flow, keno and energy use of th fan. Use the shortest, straightest duct routing possible for best performance, and avoid Installing the FAN with smaller ducts than recommended. Insulation around the ducts can reduce energy loss.
Removing An Old Fan Watch the video: 1.) Disconnect the electrical power supply and lock out the service panel for tho existing fan. 2) Remove the grills from the existing fan. Pull the grills down tn expos its two springs. Squeeze each spring together and pull down again to release the springs from the motor plate slots 4.) Loosen the motor plate by inserting & Flathead screwdriver into the slot in the hosing and twisting the screwdriver.
5.) Remove the motor from the fan housing disconnect al wiring 7.) Grab the fan housing with players and band the fan housing inward to expose the screws that mount the fan to the joist. Remove the screws or slide them through the slots on the Holst mounts.
expose the screws that mount. the fan to the joist 9.) False the housing Into the calling.
Sheet Lock Easy Room side Installation Watch the video! contravention A\ WARNING: Disconnect all AC Power Breakers or Fuses befogs attempting to cut Into your calling 1.) Place the provided electroshock cutout TEMPLATE on ceiling where you wish the FAN to be (DAMPER and electrical positions shown on TEMPLATE), We suggest using planter's masking tape to hold the template In pace while curling. if there Is a per-existing fan opening, use aligning windows to find Its edges.
4) Set the FAN In the calling opening, then attach consult with wiring to FAN FAN con ailing 5) Attach DAMPER to ducting. Tape DAMPER to ducting with duct tape. Set the connected DAMPER and ducting In the selling opening. ‘Connect DAMPER and ducting with duct tape 1 i DAMPER , 4 In ducting Place DAMPER cling Inside CEILING opening Nos: f ducting Is 3 Inch Instead of 4 Inch, uss the Included DUCT ADAPTER. Usa 4 inch pipe whenever possible.
7) Select a set of hooding tabs, depending on the thickness of your Sheetrock In the ailing, # inch Sheetrock is the most common. | | “han (1.3 om) “hin (1.3 om) holding tab holding tab Hindemith) final In (1.6 om) hoodie securing hiding tab 8.) Bend the holding tabs you selected outward.
11.) Connect wiring using the provided QUICK CONNECTS. Match wire colors as shown: QUICKFIRE 4-WIRE QUICK CONNECT CONNECT Qty:2 Qty:3 Wire connection for fan and light on separate stitches: line.
SWITCHES NOT INCLUDED, USE EXISTING OR MUST BE PURCHASED SEPARATELY Ways follow all safety Instructions Included with the switch you purchase. Do not exceed maximum electrical ratings. ReVent® fan Lt fan it | Mf ground | | white black black fan switch light switch (purchased separately) (purchased separately) The FAN wires The LED light cannot be «can be connected connected dimmer switch dimmer switch Oo Oo 653 25.9 black black 120V line AC 12.
13) Press and band the final securing tabs fiat against cling to lock the FAN In place. final securing tabs apply even heatstroke pressures to (ceiling) each side of securing tab 14.) Align TRIM RING fo vent position. Vent position is marked on TRIM RING with the world "VENT". Attach TRIM RING to FAN. TRIM RING attaches to FAN body and presses into place when secure. FAN electrical enclosure ceiling— —— final securing tabs: ,— TRIM RING 15.
16.) Attach the SHIELD by squeezing the mounting springs together and Inserting the spring Into the spring guides In the FAN —cling spring guide FAN TRIM RING y aA —— mounting springs SHEFFIELD Installation For New Construction Framing NOTE: Evan with new construction, you can use the SheatLock® Installation method; however, ReVent® can steel ba Installed using a method home builders would bs more familiar with, aa outlined in this section.
3.) Pace the Sheetrock holding tabs against the bottom of the Joist. Attach FAN to framing joist using ROUND HEAD WOOD SCREWS. framing Holst mourn framing jolts holding tabs flush to bottom of joist ROUND HEAD WOOD SCREW ay4 4.) Attach conduit with wiring to FAN.
WARNING: Disconnect the AC power before any work Is done to any part of tha circuit Re Vent is connected to. If you do not understand this waning, seek the services of a qualified licensed cliometrician. /A\ WARNING: Copper ta copper only. Do hot uss aluminum wire. WARNING: Follow all local electrical and safety codes, and NEG (Nations! Electrical Codes). 4, CAUTION: If your house wires do not Mitch these colors, determine what 4% gate houses wire represents bafflers connecting.
‘Wire connection for fan and light on one switch: line line In neutral line FAN FAN ground neutral hos light it grout nonmetal 'o SWITCHES NOT INCLUDED, USE EXISTING OR MUST BE PURCHASED SEPARATELY Always follow ail safety instructions included with the switch you purchase.
8.) Ones connected, reattach the electrical enclosure. plug In connectors 4 9.) After electroshock is installed, press and bend the final securing tabs flat against ailing to lock the FAN in place. final securing tabs Apply even heatstroke Seen snot (ending) securing tab 10.) Align TRIM RING to vent position. Vent position is marked on TRIM RING with the world “VENT”. Attach TRIM RING to FAN. TRIM RING attaches to FAN body and passes Into pace when secure.
11) Select desired LED color temperature by sliding the selector switch an the back of the SHIELD SHIELD warm white (2700K) bright white (400K) —» 12) Attach the SHIELD by squeezing the mounting springs together and inserting the springs into the spring guides in the FAN.
Frequently Asked Questions Q: How do | civilian my FAN? A: Its important to clean the SHIELD cover from time to ime. Dust parities can bulls up on the SHIELD. Ses PAGE 21 for care and scanning Instructions. Q: What is CFM? A: CFM ls a measurement of alf movement (cubic fest per minute). The higher the CFM, the more alr movement Q: What ls a nose? A: Son Is the rating used to describe the sound level. The lower the nose the quieter the fan. A nose is nat a decibel.
3-Year Limited Warranty GTR Technologies Inc. (GTR) warrants to the original purchaser of its products that sit oh products wil be free from defects In materials and workmanship for a ported of three years from the date of original purchase. There are no other warranties, express or implied, including but not imitated to, implied warranties of interchangeability or fines for a particular purpose.
Revente» Modelés nes RVL50, RVL70 Guide d’installation Veuillez lire ces instructions et les conserver. Avez-vous besoin d’aide? Regardez les vidéos d'installation a : contreventement et Avez-vous des questions? Téléphonez au 1 800 615-5439 (franglais) ou au 1 877 543-8698 (anglaise.
Retrait d’un ventilateur existant Regardez Ia vidéo : 1) Goupil Io courant ot verrouiller Io panneau de service du ventilateur existant. 2) Enlevez la grille du ventilateur existant, Abaissez Ia grils pour exposer 865 deux ressats. Comprimez les dew ressorts ef abaissez:les pour les dégager de leur logement. plafond — H 7 grills 3) Débranchez le moteur du ventilateur. 4) Desserrez Ia plaque du moteur en Insérant un tournevis & lame plats dans la gants pratiquée dans ls bottier et an le faisant touer.
3) Soulevez Io REGISTRE, puis balles-molles glisser vers 1s haut jusqu'a ce que Encoche pratiqués sur ls tocs du REGISTRE soit alignes avec les guides supérieurs. Enlevez la REGISTRE du VENTILATEUR. VENTILATEUR |— RAMPER Retirer le REGISTRE du VENTILATEUR a l'encoche. 4) Placez la VENTILATEUR dans ouverture pratiquée dans le plafond, pulls fixez Ie conduit avec Is câblage au VENTILATEUR. VENTILATEUR con — plafond 6) Fixas ls REGISTRE au conduit avec du ruban & conduits.
Remarque : 1 le conduit mesure 3 po au leu de 4 po, nullissime 'ADAPTATEUR DE CONDUIT roumi. Dans Ia mesure du possible, utilisez un conduit de 4 pa pour profiter d'un fonctionnement puis silencieux et d'un débit Pair oor. Celer ls REGISTRE, ADAPTATEUR DE CONDUIT DESPOTAT PO tle VENTILATEUR ‘conduit avec du ruban & conduits.
16) Celez le fll de le DÉFLECTEUR au VENTILATEUR. Fixez la DÉFLECTEUR en pressant les ressorts de montage st en les insérant dans les guides pratiqués dans. le VENTILATEUR. —— plafond guide de ressort VENTILATEUR GARNI TUER DÉCORATIVE —— réassorts de montage DÉFLECTEUR.
3) Placez les languettes de retenus de a plaque de piètre sur le dessous de la solive. Fixez ls VENTILATEUR a la solive de charpente en utilisant les VIS A BOIS ATTENTE RONDE support de solive de VENTILATEUR support de solive de charpente sole do charpente languettes de ee ET arase VISA BOISA doa sole TETTE RONDE Qs: 4 4) Fluxez le consultant avec la ciblages au VENTILATEUR VENTILATEUR REGISTRE conduit | goton —— salve de charpente 5) Fixez lo REGISTRE au conduit.
Entretien et nettoyage A AVERTISSEMENT : Afin de crédule les requis de décharge Ischiatique, incendie ou de blessures, avant entreprendre un entraient ou un nettoyage du dispos, coupez le courant et verrouillez le panneau d'alimentation pour éviter une mise en fonction accidentas. 1) Enlevez le DÉFLECTEUR an pressant les ressors st en tirant sur le déflecteur. 2) Utilisez un aspirateur pour lever la sales et la poussif du VENTILATEUR.
Q: Le ventilateur est en fonction, pals "alr circ plus lentement que habitude. R: Vérifiez s'il y a uno obstruction dans las conduits. ll amibe souvent que des débrida se logent dans Inventent 4 I'extérieur. Si voire domicile st pourvu de conduits diamétrale, Installation de conduis diamétrale pourrait promettre d'augmenter beaucoup la circulation d’ale Q: Pourquoi de 'sau essuie-tout elle du VENTILATEUR? R: Sl de "sau 'égoutte, c'est habituellement qul condensation en raison du froid dans les conduits.
Garantie limitée de 3 ans GTR Technologies Inc. (GTR) garantit & Acheteur initial de ses produits que ces demies seront exempts de défais de matériaux ou de fabrication durant une périodes de trolls ans & complet de la date achat Initial Aucune autre garantie Nasa offerte, expirasse ou implicite, incluant sans s'y limiter routa garantie implicite de qualité marchande ou de ban fonctionnement a des fins spécifiques.
deje al descubierto los tomillos que sujetan al ventilador ia viga y quítelos 8) Levanta ja carcasa hasta el techo. Saques los cables de |a carcasa del ventilador. Retire Ia cinta de! tubo de ventiscan y descangallo.
Instalación sencilla de SheetlLock en el interior de la habitación Mire al vídeo: preventivamente ADVERTENCIA: desconecte todos ios disyuntores o fusibles de accidentalmente de corriente alterna antes de Intentar cortar el techo. 1) Coloque la PLANTILLA de yeso en al techo donde desusa instalar 6! VENTILADOR (ia posición dal REGULADOR y do las instalaciones eléctricas se muestran ona PLANTILLA). Sugerimos usar dita de enmascarar para mantener ia pian tila on su lugar mientras corta.
3) Ovantes y deslice sl REGULADOR hasta la mitad, hasta que 1a muesca en el lado dsl REGULADOR quede alineada con el conjunto da gulas superior. Quite al REGULADOR dsl VENTILADOR. VENTILADOR |— REGULADOR Quita 8 REGULADOR del VENTILADOR en la muesca 4) Coloque ¢| VENTILADOR en la abertura de! techo y conecte el conducirlo con los cables al VENTILADOR VENTILADOR conducto 5) Conecta al REGULADOR al conducta. Negus sl REGULADOR al conducta con cinta adhesiva.
Nota: Sl ol conducto ss de 3 pulgadas en vez de 4 puadas, use o ADAPTADOR DE CONDUCTO PULGADAS que vienes incluido. Siempre que sea posible, use un tubo de 4 pulgadas.
3) Coloque las legalistas de sujeción del yeso on Ia parte Inferior do la viga Coloque al VENTILADOR en la viga da Is estructura usando TORNILLOS PARA MADERA DE CABEZA REDONDA. soporta para viga do a estructura VENTILADOR soporte para viga do Ia estructura viga de la estructura Lingüistas de sujeción al mismo nivel que Ia viga TORNILLO PARA MADERA DE CABEZA REDONDA Cantidad: 4 4) Conecte el conducto con el cableado al VENTILADOR. VENTILADOR REGULADOR 5) Sujete el REGULADOR al conducto.
11) Selecciona la temperatura de color del LED desdada desbinzando el Interruptor selector on Ia parte posterior ds 6! ESCUDO. ESCUDO blanco callante (2700K) — blanco brillantes (4000K) —> uz de dia (5000K) 12) File el ANILLO DE AJUSTE al VENTILADOR. EI ANILLO DE AJUSTE se fla al cuerpo del VENTILADOR y hace clic al encajar en el lugar correcta.