User's Manual

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Problem Why it happened What to do
The airow is
much warmer
than usual.
The air lters may
be dirty. The
device may be
operating in direct
sunlight or near a
Rinse or replace the reusable air lter or replace the disposable
ultra-ne lter.
The temperature of the air may vary somewhat based on your
room temperature.
Make sure that the device is properly ventilated. Keep the
device away from bedding or curtains that could block the ow
of air around the device. Make sure the devicec is away from
direct sunlight and heating equipment.
If the problem continues, contact your home care provider.
The water in
the humidier
water tank
runs out
Humidier water
tank was not
full at start of
session. Mask
leak is excessively
high. The ambient
conditions are
very dry/cool.
Under most conditions, a full humidier water tank should last
for a typical sleep session. However, many factors impact water
consumption, including: your humidier or heated tube settings,
the level of mask leak, and the duration of your sleep session.
Make sure that the humidier water tank is lled to the
maximum ll line at the start of your sleep session. Check that
your mask is tted properly, and adjust as needed to reduce
mask leak to normal levels.
I hear a leak
or whistling
coming from
my therapy
device (not
related to
mask leak).
The therapy
device air
inlet may be
obstructed. The
tube is not fully
The humidier
seals are not fully
seated or are
Check therapy device air inlet is not obstructed, and lters are
free of debris and properly inserted. Conrm that the device,
humidier water tank, and tube are connected properly and
not leaking. Conrm that the water tank lid seal is present and
properly seated.