Installation Guide

4. Wall - 2”x 4” R-14.0 Total Assembly
(R-3.9 and a Vapor Moisture Barrier for the Reflectix
Refer to the Reflectix
Webpage “DIY Wall - Exterior - 2”x 4””.
Review These Important Safety Guidelines Prior to Installation:
ALWAYS check local building codes before installing Reflectix
ALWAYS check the area you are insulating and make any needed repairs. Any worn wiring should be replaced before you begin installing Reflectix
ALWAYS make sure work areas are well ventilated and well lighted.
ALWAYS use eye protection when operating a staple gun.
ALWAYS use caution and common sense when using a staple gun. Be aware of where electrical wiring is located. Stapling into a wire can cause
severe shock or death. NEVER staple into electrical wiring.
ALWAYS be careful when working with large pieces of Reflectix
on windy days.
When installing Reflectix
on bright sunny days, it is best to wear sun glasses.
Do not work in areas such as attics when temperatures are too hot.
Visit our website at for additional product and installation information.
Please Note:
The intention of these Installation Instructions and 3-D renderings are for the sole purpose of illustrating the correct location and relative position of the
products in specific building assemblies. The correct construction methods and techniques are the responsibility of the installer or contractor.
The methods outlined are recommendations on location of the Reflectix
products as a guideline. There are no claims on the part of Reflectix, Inc. that
these building assemblies are finite standards or meet building code requirements (as they can vary by region).
3. Wall - 2”x 4” R-6.1 (no fiberglass)
Determine if studs are 16” or 24” on center (This will determine whether
16” or 24” product is utilized).
Place one corner edge of the Reflectix
in an upper corner of the stud cavity.
At a point that splits the stud cavity; staple the product to the side of the
stud (creating a 3/4” tab on the product).
Proceed “down”, stapling to the side of the stud every 2”- 3”.
Repeat procedure on opposite stud.
The Goal: Create two approximately equal continuous 1 3/4” air spaces on each side of the Reflectix
This application also provides a vapor/moisture barrier.
Finish wall interior with a panel or sheathing (Product is not specified as an interior wall covering).