Panel Information sheet
A powerful -cell module with high efficiency!
Providing customers with up to  Wp in a -cell panel, the new REC
N-Peak  Series uses one of the most efficient cell technologies in the
industry to capture more sunlight and provide more power.
The REC N-Peak  is ideal for residential and smaller commercial and
industrial rooops where as much power as possible needs to be packed
in to a limited space and where higher power levels need to be achieved
with fewer modules. RECs unique REC Twin Design Technology, where
the panel is split into two identical and mirrored sections, enables the
continued production of energy, even when part of the module or array
is shaded, further contributing to its high energy yields compared to
standard panels.
Super-strong frame design:
By using two extra support bars across the rear of the panel, the REC
N-Peak  reduces the bending and deformation of the panel under load
while allowing loads of up to  Pa, far exceeding the  Pa offered
by conventional panels. Such an increase in panel strength and durability
enables customers to achieve much higher energy yields over the total
lifetime of the installation.
The . in frame height allows the optimization of packaging and
transportation to reduce the amount of transport and trucks on the road,
keeping the carbon footprint low for both the product and the end-user.
Together, this frame design enables flexible installation options, making
overcoming every obstacle during system design even easier.
Zero LID:
The loss of power generation capacity seen in a standard solar panel on
first exposure to light is known as Light Induced Degradation (LID). This
is a result of the reaction of boron and oxygen inside a cell and causes a
permanent drop in a standard panel’s maximum power.
Not with the REC N-Peak , however! Through the use of n-type
technology, the cells in the REC N-Peak  avoid a reaction between boron
and oxygen at all levels. Therefore any occurence of LID can be fully
This ensures the power of the panel remains the same as when it le the
REC factory, meaning customers get exactly the power levels that they
paid for.
Advantages of REC’s n-type mono cells:
Based on high efficiency monocrystalline cell technology, the REC N-Peak
 boosts panel efficiency through n-type and TOPCon (Tunnel Oxide
Passivated Contact) technologies:
With n-type cell technology, the internal construction of a cell
reduces Light Induced Degradation (LID) to zero, meaning no
power loss right aer installation
TOPCon technology completely passivates the rear of the cell for
increased electron capture and high and stabilized efficiency
An excellent temperature performance keeps panels cooler for
increased efficiency and higher yields
All round higher yields at higher wavelengths, with strong
performance from dawn through to dusk
Combining n-type and TOPCon technology in the REC N-Peak  has
created a high efficency and powerful solar panel, that helps you make
the most of every installation, especially where space is limited.
REC’s leading warranty package:
All of the advantages of the REC N-Peak  combine to guarantee
customers high power output over its warranted lifetime:
 year product warranty
 year performance warranty (. max. degradation per year)
 of power rating warranted aer  years
Eligible for REC’s premium ProTrust warranty package - up to
 years product and labor warranty
Extra Power warranted with
the REC N-Peak  Series!
REC N-Peak  Series
Conventional Panel
 
 
 of Nameplate power
 year product warranty
Extra  years with
REC’s ProTrust
warranty package