User's Manual

mn100 Digital Display
5.4 Surface Mounting
5.4.1 Where there is no access to the rear of the
mounting surface
Easy installation but will allow removal without gaining access to
the boat. Position the supplied Template carefully before starting.
1. Drill three 2mm holes marked “SURFACE” on the
2. Carefully snap the facia of the instrument off the main
body taking care not to drop the button pads.
HINT – It may be useful to place a piece of sticky tape
across the front of the buttons before removing the facia
to prevent them from falling out during the installation.
3. Remove the three captive M4 nuts from the plastic
moulding and attach the instrument to the mounting
surface using the three self tapping screws provided. Take
care not to over tighten the screws as this may cause the
moulding to crack.
4. Check the instrument is perfectly level; carefully position
the button inserts into the correct slots and snap the facia
back into position.
5.4.2 Temporary Mounting
1. Use the double sided tape provided to secure the
instrument to a suitable mounting surface. Press the
instrument firmly against the surface until secure.
Note: This method is recommended for temporary use only.
2.4 Audible Signals and Alarms
At stages during its operation your Micronet instrument will beep to
indicate alarms or moments of importance.
Power-up Once operating as part of a network the instrument
will issue a single beep as it is switched on by
pressing the
button for 2 second.
Button Press A single beep is issued each time a button is
pressed A second beep is issued after a 2 seconds
hold down of the
Alarm Continuous bursts of three beeps will indicate an
alarm. The alarm activated will be indicated on the
digital display, accompanied by the flashing
symbol. Pressing any button will silence the alarm.
Timer A single beep will be issued at each minute of the
countdown . With 1 minute left to go a beep will
sound every 10 seconds. With 10 seconds to go a
beep will sound every second.
Countdown complete will be indicated by a single
burst of three beeps.