User's Manual

MC-Series Standard Capacity system
998-1019-01 Rev X1
GLS-2 ©2008 RadioFrame Networks, Inc. MC-Series
Proprietary and Confidential Information
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array
FNE Fixed Network Equipment
FOA First Office Application
FR Full Rate
FRU Field Replaceable Unit
GPL General Public License. Software license specifically developed to
maintain free access to a computer program even if changes or addi-
tions are made to the code.
GR General Release
GUI Graphical User Interface
HVAC heating, ventilating, and air conditioning
Hz Hertz
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IM Inter Modulation
INI Interference and Noise Indicator
IP Internet Protocol
ISP Internet Service Provider
ISTA International Safe Transit Association
LAN Local Area Network
LMT Local Management Terminal
MAC Medium Access Control
MCRB Multi-Channel RadioBlade
MDX Media Dependent Interface
MDIX Media Dependent Interface Crossover
MHz Megahertz
MOP Method of Procedure
MNO Mobile Network Operators
MS Mobile Station
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures
NEBS Network Equipment Building Systems
NSTA National Security Telecommunications Advisory
OLCC On Line Configuration Change
OMC Operations and Management Centre
OML Object Manipulation Language
OPM Outdoor Pole Mount
PCCH Primary Control Channel
PCM Pulse-Code Modulation
PCU Packet Control Unit
PDCH Packet Data Channel. A general term used in GPRS to represent a
GPRS control timeslot in place of conventional GSM circuit switching.
PDU Power Distribution Unit