User's Manual

MC-Series System Installation & Testing
RadioFrame Networks, Inc. 37
3.4 iDEN Configuration
The MC-Series System supports WiDEN (Quad BRs) and the use of four adjacent channels and
remote control of these settings. Plan to set up the MC-Series System according to the base
radio (BR) parameters specified in the site datafill for the site, including cabinet, position, and
Quad. Corresponding parameters will be set using the System Manager iDEN Configuration page
during system set up (section 5.5). For more information about site datafill parameter settings,
refer to the iDEN OMC-R Configuration Management Parameters Technical Manual,
3.4.1 Cabinet and Position Settings
Each RadioBlade in the MC-Series System operates as a BR. The system ships with default
cabinet and position settings that must be changed during system set up to match the site datafill
BR settings. The iSC then sets up each RadioBlade (BR) with a specific carrier.
3.4.2 Quad BRs
Within the RadioBlade Shelf (RBS), RadioBlades are arranged in three groups of up to 8
RadioBlades. A maximum of one quad BR can be configured in each group. To do this,
determine the cabinet/position settings, if any, to be assigned the quad BR from the parameters
in the datafill. If a quad BR is selected, four RadioBlades from that group will be assigned to a
single BR, leaving the remaining four RadioBlades to be used as EBRCs. When configuring a
quad BR in the datafill (for use in the MC-Series), the number of carriers must be equal to four.
The MC-Series System also supports EBRCs configured with adjacent channels. Instead of
configuring a quad BR in the datafill, configure four EBRCs using four adjacent channels (each
adjacent BR is assigned a separate cabinet/position).
3.4.3 Sectorization
In an omni (single-sector) configuration, all BRs are assigned to the same sector. In a 2- or 3-
sector configuration, each group (A, B, and C) may be assigned to a different sector. In this case,
all RadioBlades within the group must be assigned to the same sector—multiple sectors cannot
be assigned within the same group.