User's Manual

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Step 5
To change modes, press the Mode key within 7 seconds of powering on the
AutoTrainer Base Unit. The AutoTrainer Base Unit will begin Calm Me mode if
no buttons have been pressed for 7 seconds. Hold the Power button for one
second to start immediately.
An arrow underneath the collar signal icon will indicate which mode is active
(5A). No mode will begin until the AutoTrainer Collar unit is connected to the
AutoTrainer Base Unit.
Adjust the volume by pressing the Volume key (VOL). The volume icon on the
top right of the screen (5B) will indicate what level is selected. There are three
volume levels.
A dog should experience Teach Me Mode at least 5 times before beginning
Calm Me Mode. Only continue from Teach Me to Calm Me if your dog is
comfortable eating food from the machine.
Step 6
Important: The proper fit and placement of your AutoTrainer Collar is
important for effective training.
To assure a proper fit, please follow these steps:
1. Have your pet standing comfortably (6A).
2. The AutoTrainer Collar should fit snugly to your dog’s neck,
with the transmitter placed directly over your dog’s throat
3. The AutoTrainer Collar should fit snugly, yet loose enough to allow
one finger to fit between the strap and your pet’s neck (6C).
4. Allow your pet to wear the collar for several minutes then
recheck the fit. Check the fit again as your pet becomes more
comfortable with the
5. Trim the collar as follows (6D):
Mark the desired length of the collar with a pen. Allow for
growth if your pet is young or grows a thick winter coat.
B. Remove the
Collar from your pet and cut off the
C. Before placing the
Collar back onto your pet,
seal the edge of the cut collar by applying a flame along the
frayed edge.
Note: The AutoTrainer Collar will work in a range up to 100 feet.
If your dog leaves this range, or if the AutoTrainer Collar battery
dies, the AutoTrainer Base Unit will turn off after 30 minutes. The
history from the most current session will be saved. If the dog
reenters the range of the AutoTrainer Base Unit, or the battery is
replaced in the AutoTrainer Collar Unit, the AutoTrainer Base Unit
will restart in the 1st sequence and resume tracking history.
Jamming - If the red lights on each side of the AutoTrainer Base Unit are blinking, the Food Disk is
jammed. Unjam the Food Disk by removing the Disk and clearing any food that has gotten stuck.
Press Mode to restart if the AutoTrainer Base Unit has been jammed for less than 10 minutes. If the
AutoTrainer Base Unit has been jammed for over 10 minutes, only one light will be blinking. Manually
turn the AutoTrainer Base Unit off, then back on. Don’t forget to read and record all data before
powering off.
Empty - If the red lights on each side of the AutoTrainer Base Unit are steadily on, the AutoTrainer
Base Unit is empty and needs to be refilled. Refill the AutoTrainer Base Unit and press Mode to start
over if the AutoTrainer Base Unit has been empty for less than 10 minutes. If the AutoTrainer Base
Unit has been empty for more than 10 minutes, manually turn the AutoTrainer Base Unit off, then
back on. Don’t forget to read and record all data before powering off.
Training Tips
Before beginning training, be sure your dog has not eaten for at least a 4 hour period.
Introduce your dog to the AutoTrainer by letting him eat near the AutoTrainer Base Unit. Place some
of his daily amount of food in the bowl of the AutoTrainer Base Unit, do not turn it on yet, and let him
eat from the bowl. Once you have done this 1-2 times proceed to the Teach Me mode.
Use only dry treats/kibble.
For multi dog households, train one dog at a time. Separate the dog in training from any other dogs.
Most dogs are not used to eating from a bowl that beeps and makes some sounds and might be
apprehensive about the unit at first. Please start with the volume low and plan some time to be with
the dog these first few times during the Teach Me phase.
After each session, be sure your dog has received any unfinished food or the remainder of their daily
food allowance.
For more step by step instructions on acclimating your dog to the Autotrainer, and other helpful tips,
About the Modes
Each mode is made up of sequences of tones. At the end of each sequence, kibble will dispense. Your
dog will learn that the tones of each mode predict a reward.
What To Expect During A Training Session:
Once you have completely assembled the AutoTrainer, followed the step-by-step instructions, and
prepared your dog, what should you expect from a training session?
During a training session, the AutoTrainer will emit sequences of tones. Each sequence was designed
to build up to the next sequence. The sequences consist of many different, unique tones. At the end of
each sequence, the AutoTrainer should dispense 1-4 pieces of kibble, teaching your dog that the end
of a sequence means a reward.
The sequences will not continue until the dog AutoTrainer detects the dog's muzzle at the food dish.
The AutoTrainer sequences will stop if the food is not taken. If the dog barks, the AutoTrainer Collar
transmits that to the AutoTrainer Base Unit which then emits an “Uh-Oh” sound. A light on the collar
will flash when it registers a bark.