User's Manual
2. 123: this mode generates only numbers. You may type ‘1’ by pressing the ‘1’ key just once, ‘2’ by
pressing ‘2’ andso on. Switch back to ABC, Abc or abc mode to continue writing words.
3. Symbols: This function provides punctuation and special characters. Symbols may be accessed by
pressing the key as well. Find the right symbol by pressing right/left of the Navigation Key.
When the cursor highlights asymbol you want to add, press the Center Soft Key to select it.
4. Ifyouwanttodeletethe already typedlettersorsymbolspressthe End/power key
todeletethemoneby oneor long press to delete all at once.
Lock and Unlock Your Screen
Your phone allows you to quickly turn the screen on/off when you unfold/fold the phone, or you can
set up screen lock to prevent others from using your phone without your permission.
Turn the Screen Off When Not in Use
1. Toquicklyturnthescreenoff,simplyfold (close)thephone.
2. To save battery power, the phone automatically turns off the screen after a certain period of
time when you leave it idle. You will still be able to receive messages and calls while the phone’s
screen is off.
Note: For information on how to adjust the time before the screen turns off, see Display Settings.
Turn the Screen Lock On or Off
1. Fromtheappslist,selectSettings >Privacy&Security>ScreenLock.
2. SelectOntoenable screen lock
3. Youwillbepromptedtoenterthepasscode.SeeScreenLockSettings.