User's Guide

Configuration for Novell and UNIX Operating System Configuration
Digital UNIX Version 4.0 and Later
With Version 4.0 of the Digital UNIX operating system, DEC introduced a new method of
configuring the CAM SCSI driver. Modify the file /etc./ddr.dbase as follows:
1. Look through the file and locate the database entry for the DEC TLZ07 DAT drive
2. Copy this entry and paste it later in the file, taking care to maintain the file syntax.
3. Modify this new entry as shown below.
Type = tape
Name = “ARCHIVE Python” “DAT”
TypeSubClass = rdat
TagQueueDepth = 0
MaxTransferSize = 0x0ffffff # (16MB - 1)
ReadyTimeSeconds = 60 # seconds
DensityNumber = 0,3,4,5,6,7
DensityCode = default
CompressionCode = 0x0
Buffered = 0x1
DensityNumber = 1,2
DensityCode = default
CompressionCode = 0x1
Buffered = 0x1
4. Save the database file.
5. Run the following command: ddr_config -c. This takes the default input file, ddr.dbase,
and builds a new device database. The new device database is effective immediately, and
there is no need to rebuild the kernel.
Digital UNIX Versions Earlier Than 4.0.
Configure the system by modifying the file cam_data.c. This is located in either /usr/sys/data or
/sys/data, depending on the system configuration. The cam_data.c file should be modified as
shown below:
1. Look through the file to locate the database entry for the “TLZ07 – RDAT” drive.
2. Make a copy of this entry and paste it later in the file, taking care to maintain the syntax of the
C source.
3. Modify the new entry as shown below.
/* Iomega DAT Drive Returning “ARCHIVE Python DAT” Inquiry
{“ARCHIVE Python DAT”, 14, DEV_TLZ07,