User guide

iPod Quality Settings
You can personalize the three available iPod transfer quality
levels used when transferring playlists to the iPod. For
example, you have the option to transfer certain playlists in
full .WAV quality while transferring others using .MP3
compression. Qsonix 110 also automatically stores tracks that
have been previously converted and transferred, thus
eliminating the need to re-convert those tracks during future
file transfers.
The iPod Encoding Quality feature has three available quality
presets with five compression options (28kbps, 192kbps,
256kbps, 320kbps, and .WAV) that can be used when
transferring playlists to the iPod. The iPod > Quality screen
allows you to personalize what compression level you want to
have defined for each quality level setting (High, Medium,
To customize your desired transfer quality:
1. From the Main Menu, select the Tools icon.
2. From the System Tools screen, select the iPod tab.
3. Select the Quality tab. It is from here that you will
define your quality criteria for iPod synchronization.
4. Use the Right and Left arrows to scroll through the
5. Select or de-select the Full Library Compression
option and set it to one of your preferred quality
levels: High, Medium, or Low.
6. By turning on the Full Library Compression feature,
your Qsonix system will automatically create a
secondary copy of all your tracks for use in
synchronization with the iPod. This process takes
place during the system maintenance cycle.
7. Tap the DONE button to return to the Main Screen
when you are finished.