Full Product Manual
Your NVR is configured to record whenever motion is detected. If this is your desired setting
then you will not need to make any changes. However, you may configure each channel to
record at specific times based on time of day, motion detection or other sensor input. There
are three tabs; Schedule, Motion and Sensor
Schedule Tab
The schedule for automatic recording can be set either of two ways.
1. By highlighting individual hours for specific
days by using the pencil tool in the upper
right of the window. The adjacent eraser
tool removes the highlighting in a block.
Double click on either the pencil or eraser
tool to turn them off. Settings can be
copied and applied to any or all of the
channels and to any other day.
2. Blocks of time to be recorded can also
be set up by double clicking on a field
adjacent to a day. Multiple schedules can
be created and saved with start and stop
times down to the minute. These can then
be applied to multiple days and cameras.
Schedules made in one mode can be altered
in another mode.
Motion Tab
Motion detected during the highlighted hours will cause the NVR to start recording. Setup is
similar to that used in Schedule above. The default mode is for 24/7.
Sensor Tab
This enables the NVR to record based on input from other sensors connected to the NVR. Like
motion detection, it is default scheduled to be able to record at any time. It is also configured
in the same manner as explained under Schedule.