Instructions / Assembly

WARNING - Before attempting to make any inspections, repairs or adjustments, stop the engine, wait for all moving
parts to stop moving and carefully disconnect the engine spark plug wire. If tipping or
turning the snow blower is required for any inspection or repair, first wait until the engine is cool to the touch and then
drain the engine of all fuel and oil into suitable containers and store or dispose of in a
proper manner.
Engine Systems - Note: For all engine problems, see the Engine Operator's manual for additional troubleshooting
information and engine manufacturer contact information.
Engine Fails to
(Engine cranks
Spark plug wire disconnected
Connect wire to spark plug
Faulty spark plug
Clean, adjust gap, or replace spark plug, see Engine
Operator's manual
Engine flooded with fuel
Discontinue choke or primer use, clean or replace
spark plug.
Safety key not inserted in engine ignition
Insert key fully into the switch
Choke not in START position
Move choke to START position, after engine starts
slowly move to RUN position as engine speed and
operation stabilizes at the set rpm. If engine still
does not start move to half choke and crank engine.
Engine not primed with fuel
Prime engine, see Engine Operator's manual
Fuel incorrect, old or stale, will not ignite
Empty and clean fuel tank & carburetor, refill with
fresh, clean gasoline. (Note: Fuel may become stale
30 days in some cases)
Blocked or clogged fuel system or line
Clean fuel system or line
Fuel shut-off valve in OFF position
Turn fuel shut-off valve to ON position
Extension cord is not properly attached to
electric starter terminal
Re-insert extension cord into electric starter
Engine electric
will not crank
No power from power supply, tripped
Check power supply extension cord is attached to.
Extension cord wire gauge is too small or
cord is too long
Use proper rated and length extension cord, see
Engine Operator's manual
CHOKE in ON or partial ON position
Move CHOKE lever to RUN
Engine runs
stalls or seems
low on
Fuel incorrect, old or stale
Empty and clean fuel tank & carburetor, refill with
fresh, clean gasoline. (Note: Fuel may become stale
30 days in some cases)
Blocked or clogged fuel system or line
Clean fuel system or line
Carburetor is in need of cleaning
Clean fuel system and carburetor
Spark plug wire loose
Connect and tighten spark plug wire
Faulty spark plug
Clean, adjust gap, or replace spark plug, see Engine
Operator's manual
Engine oil over filled
Drain oil to proper level. Oil should not be above
the top 2 threads of LOWER fill plug.
Engine oil level low or empty
Add oil