
Table Of Contents
Supported Graphics Cards
Planar UltraRes Series User Manual 25
Supported Graphics Cards
Planar UltraRes Series displays support a variety of graphics cards from leading
manufacturers, such as NVIDIA and AMD. In general, you should be looking for
graphics cards that have the following features:
Can output 3840 x 2160 at 24 Hz or 30 Hz over a single DisplayPort or HDMI
Four-output graphics cards that can output synchronized (genlocked) 1920 x
1080 outputs at up to 60 Hz.
Cards that support Planar’s support timings, as listed in the following section
"Signal Compatibility" on page 79.
Caution: Before you purchase a graphics card for your source, contact your Sales
Representative to get the most current information on Planar’s compatibility with leading
graphics cards.