User manual

Aspect Ratio Settings
42 m70L Installation & Configuration Guide
Justify Settings
Justify determines how the picture will be placed in a wall of displays. For a single
display, Justify determines placement on the screen. If the image is not large enough
to fill all the displays in the wall, some will be left blank.
Positions the image starting with the top, leftmost display, then across and down.
Positions the image starting with the center of the image in the center of the wall
spreading out equally to all displays.
Positions the image starting with the bottom, rightmost display, then across and up.
This is used to hide blank areas and stray lines in the edges of an image. The lower
the overscan setting, the more of the optical image that is seen. Planar displays have
a default overscan of 3% for S-Video and composite video images. Standard CRT
televisions have an overscan of about 5%, which may actually hide content or images
that you want to see.
Wall Width and Wall Height
These show the number of displays wide and high for the picture. This may be
different from the physical size of the wall. You could build a 4 x 3 array of displays
and use WALL MODE to put a single picture on the four displays in the upper left
corner, for instance.
Unit Column and Unit Row
These represent the position of the display in this array.” For example, in the 4 x 3
array of displays shown below, Unit numbering starts at the top left corner of the
array. This display would have a Unit Column value of 1 and a Unit Row value of 1.
Wall Mode
When checked, this turns on the Planar Big Picture™ feature. When not checked, the
display shows the whole picture.