
PNOZmulti 2 products
Motion monitoring modules
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany
Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail:
"0": Monitored limit value exceeded
} t
: Speed v exceeds the limit value and activates the tolerance range (tolerance time,
tolerance period, tolerance amount)
} t
: Tolerance time
} t
: Tolerance period
} Tolerance amount (%): Tolerance amount of limit value in both directions
Safe speed range monitoring
The Safe speed range monitoring function (SSR-M) monitors the current speed to ensure
it stays within a maximum and minimum permitted limit value.
If the speed is outside the configured range, the output switches off. As soon as the speed
returns within the configured range (plus hysteresis), the output switches back on.
If manual reset is configured, the output will not switch back on until the value is below the
limit value (plus hysteresis) and the reset input is activated.
2 ranges can be configured per axis in the PNOZmulti Configurator.
A tolerance range may also be set for the limit values used to monitor the speed range.
This tolerance range modifies the set limit values. As a result, one-off or periodic over-
shoots that exceed the range limits can be tolerated.
The following values can be configured for the tolerance range:
} Tolerance time (t1), which takes into account the length of the overshoots (maximum
time for which the limit value may be exceeded). It must not be possible that the sum of
all the overshoots exceeds the tolerance time (t1) within a tolerance period (t2).
} Tolerance period (t2), which takes into account the oscillation period (minimum time
that must elapse between one limit value overshoot and the next)
} Tolerance amount as a %, which takes into account the amplitude of the overshoots
(maximum permitted percentage by which the limit value may be exceeded)