
Type Order number Application area Features
PNOZ m ES CANopen 772 134 Fieldbus module CANopen
} Connection for CANopen
} Station addresses from 0 ... 99, selected via rotary switch
} Transmission rate selected via rotary switch (1 MBit/s, 10 kbit/s, 125 kBit/s, 20 kbit/s, 250 kBit/s, 50
kbit/s, 500 kBit/s, 800 kbit/s)
} Status indicators
PNOZ m ES EtherCAT 772 136 Fieldbus module EtherCAT
} Connection for EtherCAT
} Network protocols: EtherCAT
} Supports CANopen over EtherCAT (DS301 V4.02 compliant)
} Status indicators
PNOZ m ES Powerlink 772 119 Fieldbus module Ethernet POWERLINK
} Connection for Ethernet POWERLINK (Ethernet POWERLINK V 2 protocol)
} Station addresses from 1 ... 239, selected via rotary switch
} The minimum cycle time for an application of 20 Byte Output and 20 Byte Input is 250µs. The min-
imum cycle time is 450 µs at the maximum PDO size of 254 Byte Input and 20 Byte Output (the inputs
and outputs in this case are viewed from the Managing Node).
} Status indicators
PNOZ m ES EtherNet/IP 772 137 Fieldbus module EtherNet/IP
} Connection for EtherNet/IP
} Connection for EtherNet/IP as adapter
} Transmission rate 10 MBit/s (10BaseT) and 100 MBit/s (100BaseTX)
} Status indicators
PNOZ m ES Profinet 772 138 Fieldbus module PROFINET
} Connection for PROFINET
} Transmission rate 100 MBit/s (100BaseTX), full and half duplex
} Two RJ45 ports
} Profinet IO device (V2.2) functions in accordance with Conformance Class C
} Supported functions:
} Status indicators
PNOZ m ES CC-Link 772 135 Fieldbus module CC-Link
} CC-Link connection
} Station addresses from 1 ... 63, selected via rotary switch
} Station type: Remote Device
} Occupied stations: 3
} Status indicators
Please refer to the section entitled System expansion [
29] for details of the number of connectable expansion modules and the slot.
Selection guide
Configurable control systems PNOZmulti 2
Expansion modules
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany
Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: