
System expansion
Configurable safety systems PNOZmulti
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany
Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail:
Calculation of the max. reaction time:
t ReactionMax = t Max. input delay + t Max. switch-off delay at the output
Please note that the reaction time is also increased by
} Delay times configured in the user program
} Delay on the sensor that is used
} Delay on the actuator that is used
} Delay due to periphery devices or control systems
Reaction times of the base units and expansion modules
Modules Max. input delay
Max. switch-off delay Output
(incl. processing time)
PNOZ m0p …
PNOZ m3p
4ms 30 ms (semiconductor output)
50 ms (relay output)
PNOZ mi1p …
PNOZ mi2p
4ms -
PNOZ mo1p,
PNOZ mo3p
- 30ms
PNOZ mo2p,
PNOZ mo4p,
PNOZ mo5p
- 50ms
PNOZ ml1p 0 ms
35 ms (connection's transmission
PNOZ ml2p 15ms
+ Max. processing time of
the input PDP67
PNOZ ma1p 100ms -
PNOZ ms1p …
PNOZ ms4p
10 ms [+1/f]
(+conf.switch-off delay)
(1) An input delay is not considered because it is already considered in the output delay of
the communication partner.
(2) See technical details in the operating manual
To simplify the calculation, the stated times include various times that need to be con-
sidered within the system. As a result, transmission times, for example, do not need to be
included separately in the calculation. The processing time in the base unit is already con-
sidered in the max. switch off delay at the output.