User manual

A Timer Reset sets the timer’s accumulator to 0. After a timer expires, it must be reset before
starting it again.
A Timer Restart sets the timer’s accumulator to 0 and starts the timer (combines the
functions of Reset and Start).
A Timer Stop causes the accumulator to hold its current value.
5.3.2 Using Counters
Counters are 32-bit values that have a range of 0 to 99,999,999. Counters also have Name,
Preset, and Description fields available for access in the Data Items Editor. The main
characteristics of Counter data items are:
Counters can count upward (increment) and downward (decrement).
Specify a Preset for each Counter in the Data Item Editor. The preset is the Counter’s
ending value.
Ways in which project components can interact with a Counter include:
A Control block can increment, decrement, or clear a Counter.
A Compare block can compare the Counter’s current value with another variable or
A Move block can replace the current value with a new value or read the current value.
In Control blocks, the following actions on a Counter are possible:
A Control block can increment or decrement a Counter each scan. Counting is not
transition-based, as in other types of controllers.