User manual

When displaying a flow chart, it shows the history of execution and the current block.
If opening a flow chart, nanoNavigator displays the running status of that flow chart. This
includes displaying values of data items in selected blocks in a Locals window. It also
includes an indication of the executing block.
7.1 nanoLC Monitor Window
The “nanoLC Monitor” window opens automatically when selecting the “nanoLC... Monitor”
menu. This window provides real-time access to data item values. Its four tabs display all
data items used or modified in the visible flow chart or a selected block, and all forced data
values. The following sections describe these tabs in more detail.
7.1.1 Flow Charts Tab
The “nanoLC Monitor... Flow Charts” tab (see Figure 7-2) lists all data values used or
modified in the open flow chart. In addition, use this window to change or force values.
Figure 7-2 The “nanoLC Monitor... Flow Charts” tab lists all data values in the open
flow chart