User manual

Electrical muscle stimulation
Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS), also known as
neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) or
electromyostimulation, uses electric pulses to evoke
muscle contraction. A stimulation device generates
pulses and delivers them through electrodes on the
skin close to the muscles you want to stimulate. The
pulses mimic the way the central nervous system
makes the muscles contract. You can choose one of
the 5 pre-set EMS programs.
Pain management
We all want to enjoy doing our daily activities. When
you experience pain, however, the instinctive reaction
is to avoid pain by reducing your activity level. As a
result, you become less t and less able to enjoy doing
the things you like. Staying active, without overdoing
it, is important to avoid being trapped in a persistent
pain cycle. The key to self-managing your pain is
pacing: distributing periods of activity and periods of
rest over the day in a way that feels most comfortable
for you. The key to pacing is spreading out your
activities and ‘taking a break before you need it’.
Important safety information
Do not use the device if:
- you have a cardiac pacemaker,
implanted debrillator or other
implanted metallic or electronic
device (e.g. a drug delivery system),
as use in these cases could cause
electric shock, burns, electrical
interference, or even death.