operation manual

Activity monitoring and pain management
We all want to enjoy doing our daily activities.
When you experience pain, however, the instinctive
reaction is to avoid pain by reducing your activity
level. As a result, you become less t and less able
to enjoy doing the things you like. Staying active,
without overdoing it, is important to avoid being
trapped in a persistent pain cycle. The key to self-
managing your pain is pacing: distributing periods of
activity and periods of rest over the day in a way
that feels most comfortable for you. The key to
pacing is spreading out your activities and ‘taking a
break before you need it’. An activity monitor can
help you keep track of how well you pace your
activities over the day. The remote control of the
Wireless TENS device has a built-in activity monitor
that records your activity when you wear it attached
to your belt or waistband or when you carry it
around in the pocket of your trousers or skirt. It
can record and store the activity data of 60 days. In
this way, you cannot only check your activity pattern
over the last 24 hours, but also your activity pattern
of the previous week and the previous month. If
you want to get more tips on pacing and how to
self-manage your pain, please read the Pain Toolkit
booklet included in the packaging.*
* Note:Only the German version of the Pain Toolkit
is included in the package. If you want to have the
English, French or Italian version, please go to
www.philips.com/pain-management to
download your preferred version.