User guide

5.2.2 Camera Controls
T>ie otTiei lat> Is marked 'Camera Conirols'
, I rnaga cortiolt | ^ COBfcdir|
Wh>lti Balance
(n Aulo mcKte tiie camera automsiicBlIy controls Ihw different colour components (n the picture to oPtaIn if»
rrwsl naflural colour reproducllon Thts setting s Ifu preferred setting for normal use.
Wn«n the mode setting Is In Freeze mode, the automate wnite bsfance control Is switched off. The actual
colour setting remains frozen and is not influenced by the oanvera's intemaf controls. Put me MMte bafenoe
seLlir^ In Freeze mode wfven you ha^e a colourlUl scene and stable tighting conditions.
tndoor^ FL i Outdoor; ir>ese settings compensate for tna specific colour spectrum of these types or lighting.
However, these oompehsatioris ere fixed. So under chergtng lifting oonditianG it is belter in use the Aule
The exposure setting determioes the amount of light that will fall onto the video serr&or ctiip. In Auto expiosurQ
mode the camera automatically adjusts the gam and shutter speed,.
In manual mode (no checkmark In the Auto chedibox] you can control the gain and shutter speed settings
manually. The manuai exposure mode disables the controls for contrast and backlight oomponsabon in the
other property tab (marKed Image Controls) and the flickerless control In this tab..