User guide

□ne оГ itiB property labs is 'Епадв СопЪхйв',
9.2,i Image Contrais
Frame rate
Thfl ffgme rpie getting detennines ttie nuirit»r of pictunea per second In (he vkteo stfeem.
The of frame rateE frorn wfitcb the еввг c:an c^hoose depetvJa qti the ourret^rtiy gelecrt-gd videp fonrkel
i(reEDbj(¡Hi) and fhB avsisblB bandwidth dd the USâ bug (the number of device^ oonneclgd Ьр your USB port
□nd the amoLMil of date they tren&poi)L The buttons for invBlid Trame rales will be grayed out aulomatioellyend
cannot be SBleded. Tb enabie bígher trame rates dThheb a smaller video image tormat in уо|д appticelion.
Applicatioris will usually Offer resdution switchrig {image Tormat setting} under mera items withiri iTie
applicatiDrs Itiemselves. TTib твхштпап Ьвтв rale for VC^A rego^Ulion Ч Û 15 ffemes per second, SO
if you choofie VGA as your геБв1и11оп, Ifie frame rates 2D. 25, and will alwaya be greyed PUl
This lext box ¡B used lo mfpnri Itie user ebouE cpmere settingg, problems or special gireumstsricea, (mportarH
messages will show a flashing icon. The seme icon also appears ii the ’Camera ctmirols' tab to Indicate mal
an inperiani messoDe is displeyed in Ihe Perfonnenoe lext bcw.
Ims^t Controls
Here you wiJ And ttie slider controls for brightness, oontrast, and gamma соггейюп. Noie (ba( the conitrasl
control is only available when (he Auto Ejrposure sefling is enabled on the other lab
The ch»ltbo4 'Black and white’ Is used (o svwtch from colour Images to bnach A white and back.
9y cfiaeking the choi^box 'MIrrer Image', the image Hips horizonlally. This featurs can hs applied In order ia
use (he camera and mpniloras a mirror, or for (aklng pâtures of m^rored Images.
Turn on the beckiighE comper>satlon to Improve (he Image quality when you have a scene where the
bachgroufid haa a high iluminelion level (for instan» when you ere sitting in front of a bright light), ffole lhal
the backlight compensation cpt»n is only giweilabte when the ДиЮ Екроеигч setting i$ enabled on Ihe olher
tab. 10