DreamStation Go Heated Humidifier Manual

7. Maintenance instructions
Allow the humidier heater plate and water to cool down for approximately 15 minutes before removing the
water tank. A burn may result from: touching the heater plate, coming in contact with the heated water, or
touching the tank pan.
Maintaining the water tank base
If you use tap water in your humidier water tank, follow the steps below to maintain the tank base. Perform these
steps monthly or more frequently, as needed.
1. Remove the water tank from the humidier.
2. Remove the lid from the water tank.
3. Wipe the inside of the tank base with a damp cloth to remove any debris.
4. Fill the tank base with undiluted white vinegar (5% acetic acid) and soak for a minimum of four hours or until the
tank base is visually clear of mineral build up.
5. Empty the vinegar from the tank base.
6. Thoroughly rinse the tank base with water.
7. Inspect the tank base for any damage and replace it if necessary.
Maintaining the humidier base
Perform these steps bi-weekly or more frequently, as needed.
1. Remove the water tank from the humidier.
2. Disconnect the humidier from the therapy device.
3. Wipe the humidier base and heater plate with a damp cloth. Allow the platform to air dry before reconnecting to
the therapy device.
4. Inspect the humidier base for any damage and replace it if necessary.