
When you see the crossed-out wheel bin symbol attached to a product, it
means the product is covered by the European Directive 2002/96/EC:
Never dispose of your product with other household waste. Please
inform yourself about the local rules on the separate collection of
electrical and electronic products. The correct disposal of your old
product helps prevent potentially negative consequences on the
environment and human health.
Your product contains batteries covered by the European Directive 2006/66/
EC, which cannot be disposed of with normal household waste.
Environmental information
All unnecessary packaging has been omitted. We have tried to make the
packaging easy to separate into three materials: cardboard (box), polystyrene
foam (buffer) and polyethylene (bags, protective foam sheet.)
Your system consists of materials which can be recycled and reused if
disassembled by a specialized company. Please observe the local regulations
regarding the disposal of packaging materials, exhausted batteries and old
“Made for iPod” and “Made for iPhone” mean that an electronic accessory has
been designed to connect specifically to iPod or iPhone, respectively, and has
been certified by the developer to meet Apple performance standards. Apple
is not responsible for the operation of this device or its compliance with safety
and regulatory standards. Please note that the use of this accessory with iPod
or iPhone may affect wireless performance.
iPhone, iPod, iPod classic, iPod nano and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple
Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
The type plate is located on the bottom of the apparatus.
Congratulations on your purchase and welcome to Philips!
To fully benefit from the support that Philips offers,
register your product at
This ‘bolt of lightning’ indicates uninsulated material within your unit may
cause an electrical shock. For the safety of everyone in your household,
please do not remove product covering.
The ‘exclamation point’ calls attention to features for which you should
read the enclosed literature closely to prevent operating and maintenance
WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, this apparatus
should not be exposed to rain or moisture and objects filled with liquids,
such as vases, should not be placed on this apparatus.
CAUTION: To prevent electric shock, match wide blade of plug to wide slot,
fully insert.
Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer.
Apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing.
Do not place any sources of danger on the apparatus (e.g. liquid filled objects,
lighted candles).
Batteries (battery pack or batteries installed) shall not be exposed to
excessive heat such as sunshine, fire or the like.
Where the MAINS plug or an appliance coupler is used as the disconnect device, the
disconnect device shall remain readily operable.
Never remove the casing of this apparatus.
Never lubricate any part of this apparatus.
Never place this apparatus on other electrical equipment.
Keep this apparatus away from direct sunlight, naked flames or heat.
Ensure that you always have easy access to the power cord, plug or adaptor to
disconnect the apparatus from the power.
Any changes or modifications made to this device that are not expressly
approved by Philips Consumer Lifestyle may void the user’s authority to
operate the equipment.
Your product is designed and manufactured with high quality
materials and components, which can be recycled and reused.
㭁ᱏ♑ ⱶ㩬 ๷⯍㭷 ⵳ⓗ⒚ ೭␚㭩ᑾᒜ!
㭁ᱏ♑ ᛓ᰽ᑂ ⹐⬂ 㰴㙎⮃ ỷ⭻ ⯐ᖙ᫄ ᒜ⮋
␚⮻ ⱶ㩬 ᛩ᫄.
⬜⧁ 㧀ᤅී ⬵㤫 ⣄ౡณ᫄ Ὅ᫼ ⪮㈹ᦂ ⋙⦓㨖ጁ ౯⦝⢠ጁ Ὅ᫼ ⪮㈹᫄
Ⳑ═ ⪙ᑮ㨞 ⪏ጁ ⋯㔌ᦂ ⨚ⴏ㨖╢═.
⪮…⩚ ⥝ಽ⩂ ⬵జ㨖ⴏ ᬚ╢═.
⪮…⩚ Ὁ㤫 ณᫌ ㈹ⴏ ᬚ╢═⤀.
፛ᫀ ⬜⪘ ⬵㤫 ⧽⢠ ⪮…᫄ ᇟⴏ ᬚ╢═.
ⴐ⋙ ೏⍝, ᛭ጁ ⣈⩺ ፷ⴏ ⠉ጁ ಭ⢠ ⪮…᫄ Ậಽ㨖╢═.
⪮… ⬜⧁⩂ ⿂፟㨞 ⪏ᑘᦃ ⬜⧁ ㍔ᖒ, 㧀ᤅී ᛭ጁ ⢃ᎍ㕬 ⏚⢠ ፷ጁ
ಭ⢠ ᓵ╢═⤀.
ⱶⳖ⧖ㆠ⧡ ⹐Ɐ㭛 ⥥Ⓑ⒚᰽ ␚⫔.
⥥ㆠೝ ␺൝ሇ 㠧ᑂ ෮⧡ ⯯㍺ ጄ㊥㭗⹐ ᱛ⚣.
⯯Ⅷ ┛␰⮃ ೝⲖ⩉ ⯐ᑂ ᷽ൡ(: ⥥ㆠೝ ㄣ⫾⹔ ᷽ൡ, ㈔ₒ )
⯯Ⅷ ⬾⧡ ⩉᪃ ᘶ⹐ ᱛ⚣.
ἐ㚭᰽ (ἐ㚭᰽ ᠮᑂ ⒢㍺ᗺ ἐ㚭᰽) 㮋␢, 㱴⯹ ᠮᑂ ೷⭿ ෺ᖙ㭛
⨉⧡ ጄ㊥ᗶ⹐ ⥄ᑾ㭛ᒜ.
Philips Consumer Lifestyle ᯭ᷐㨖హ ┦⩾㨖ⴏ ⠉⨾ ⬵㤫 Ṱ౯⩺჆ ⮕⪙
⪮…᫄ ⪙ᑮ ⪏ጁ ൚㨚 Ჴ㮐 ⪏┢ጽ፛.
⬵㤫⨾ ⪸㬻⦓ ⪸⋙ ஜጓ ಙ㤫ⴗ⩚ ⪘⪸
ശ⍯㤫⨺ᦂ ⍡౹ ⬵⮕ᒵ⢘┢ጽ.
⬵㤫⢠ WEEE Symbol(Crossed-out Wheeled Bin) Ὁ⿃ᒹ ౯⦝ ⨚ᤗ ⴏ㉉
2002/96/EC ⰶ⑳㨖ጁ ర⪌ጽ፛.
⬵㤫 ⪂ᶳ ஜ⬮ ➥ᤢณ⤠ 㨦໎ ḯ᫼ⴏ ᬚ╢═⤀. ⬜⪘ ⬜ณ
⬵㤫 㫗ⴏ ⑳జ ඳ⬮ ᗰ᪼⎖⡃ 㨨ጽ፛. ⤈ᶯᫀ ⬵㤫 㡞ณጁ
㬷౯ ⩾᪜ ఠல ⨚㨶㨚 ⣖㩬⨺ᦂὉ Ậ㬓㨨ጽ.
⬵㤫⢠ጁ ⨚ᤗ ⴏ㉉ 2006/66/EC ⬙⦓ᒵጁ ᷏㕬᫼ஜ ᖚ⢃ ⪏┢ጽ፛.
᷏㕬᫼ጁ ⪂ᶳ ஜ⬮ ➥ᤢณ⤠ 㨦໎ ᷏ㅤ㨞 ⢖┢ጽ፛.
᷏㕬᫼ ஼Ṵ ᷏ㅤ⢠ ፻㨚 ⴏ⣁ ඳ⬮⩂ 㬴⩾㨖╢═. ᷏㕬᫼
⤈ᶯ᪼హ 㡞ณ㨖ᯛ 㬷౯ ⩾᪜⩚ ఠல⩂ ⨚㨶㨚 ⣖㩬ᦂὉ
Ậ㬓 ⪏┢ጽ፛.
㱸ධ Ɐ῭
ὑ㨀⥽ ᰗᖖ 㡾⪮ ⌏ᣆጽ፛. 㡾⪮⨾ ⬵㤫 㞅ⴏ(⋯⪘),
㢆᫼┐ (⤤ㅲ) 㢆᫼㝫ᤦ(Ể㚆, Ậ㬓 ═㜣) ஜⴏ
⏖⪸ᦂ ⓥహ Ὅ᫼㨞 ⪏ᑘᦃ ⬵⪙ᒵ⢘┢ጽ፛.
═┐㖙⨾ ⴏ⬮ ⢕た⢠⍙ Ὅ㨶㨞
౯⦝ ⪸㬻⦓ ⪸⋙⦓㨞 ⪏ጁ ⪸᧿ᦂ
ശ⍯ᒵ ⪏┢ጽ፛. 㡾⪮ ⪸᧿, ᷅⬜ ᷏㕬᫼ ⤀ᢥᒹ ⪮…⩚ 㡞ณ⤠
ಽ᥆ ⴏ⣁ ඳ⬮⩂ 㬴⩾㨖╢═⤀.
Made for iPod Made for iPhone ⬜⪘ ณณ ⠤⍶⍙᫼ஜ iPod
⩺჆ iPhone ⣄ౡ ஜጓ ⬵⪙ᒵ⢘⨺ ஼ᶷ⪘ ⩚㨶 Apple
⍯ጓ ณⰶ⩂ ㅲ⮖㨖ጁ ర⨺ ⩾⳥ᒵ⢘⩊⩂ ჆㓬ჸጽ. Apple ⪮㈹⩚
⪙ᑮ ᛭ጁ ⠇⬜ ඳ⬵ ณⰶ ⰶ⑳ ፻㨶 ⿣⪊ ⴏⴏ ⠉┢ጽ፛. iPod
᛭ጁ iPhone ⠤⍶⍙᫼᫄ ⋙⦓ ౯⦝ Ჴ⍝ ⍯ጓ⢠ ⣖㩬 ᶑ㉁ ⪏⨺ጽ
ⰲ⩚㨖═ณ ᶯᢗጽ፛.
Register your product and get support at