User's Manual

18 Recording Overview of Recording Types
Overview of Recording Types
Creating and Changing Recordings Templates
To save you defining recording settings each time you start a recording, you can create templates for
commonly-used types of recordings in the Setup Recording menu. You can create templates for
one delayed recording, one alarm recording and two realtime recordings (Realtime A and
Realtime B).
Changing recordings templates changes the settings that will be used each time a recording of this
name is triggered.
1 Select the Main Setup SmartKey to call up the Main Setup menu.
2 Select Recordings.
3 Select the Setup Recording pop-up key to enter the Setup Recordings menu.
4 Select the name of the template you want to create or change. Each recording name is linked to a
recording type: delayed, alarm, and realtime. Recording names can be changed in the monitors
Configuration Mode.
5 Design the template by selecting each menu item and entering the information for the template.
Recorder: choose which recorder the recording will print to (Central 2-Ch. or Central 4-
Ch. recorder, or a printer (for realtime reports in alarm recording only)).
Channels 1 - 4: choose which waveform to record in each channel.
In addition to the currently available waves, you can choose from several other settings which make
an automatic allocation when the recording starts:
Alarm Par will always record the measurement in alarm in the chosen recorder channel
Primary Lead will always record the current primary lead in the chosen recorder channel
Delayed Alarm Realtime (RT)
Type of recording
manual automatic, triggered by defined alarm
central central printer central
from the start trigger
minus the delay time
from the start trigger
minus the delay time
N/A from the start trigger
Number of waves
up to 2 up to 2 N/A up to 2
50, 25, 6.25 mm/sec 25 mm/sec N/A 50, 25, 6.25 mm/sec
N/A N/A N/A continuously
automatically automatically N/A manually
Delay Time
10, 15 seconds 10, 15 seconds N/A none
On (up to 2 waves)
On (up to 2 waves)
N/A Off
On (up to 2 waves)
N/A = not applicable