User's Manual

Table Of Contents
2 Monitoring with the IntelliVue Cableless Measurements
When a cableless measurement device is assigned to a telemetry device, it is not possible for the
telemetry device to be wirelessly assigned or directly connected to a patient monitor.
If the connection between the telemetry device and the NBP Pod or SpO
Pod is lost, an INOP will
be displayed at the Information Center:
cl SpO Disconnect or cl NBP Disconnect. A No System
Monitor. INOP will be displayed on the Pod.
Device Compatibility
The Cableless Measurement Devices require the following software levels in the associated equipment:
Patient Monitor - Release H.0 or above
Information Center - Release M or above
Telemetry device TRx4841A/TRx4851A - Revision D.XX
Assigning an IntelliVue Cableless Measurement
Device to a Patient Monitor or Telemetry Device
When an IntelliVue Cableless Measurement Device is used with a patient monitor or telemetry device,
the Cableless Measurement Device must be assigned to that monitor/telemetry device.
The assignment can be done at the Cableless Measurement Device itself (this is the only way for a
telemetry device) or at the patient monitor.
Short Range Radio connections are subject to interruption due to interference from other radio
sources in the vicinity, including microwaves, bluetooth devices, WLAN devices (802.11b,g,n) and
DECT phones. Depending on the strength and duration of the interference, the interruption may
occur for an extended period. A loss of connection, due to moving out-of-range, interference, or for
other reasons, is indicated with a
No Host Monitoring INOP on the Cableless Measurement Device or
cl NBP Disconnect or cl SpO Disconnect INOP at the host monitor. Correct channel configuration
is important, refer to the Configuration Guide for details.
Assignment at the Measurement Device
To make an assignment, select:
the Assignment SmartKey , or
the connection status symbol (or if the device is not assigned), or
•hold the key pressed.
If the device was not assigned, this opens the
Add To menu which lists the available patient
monitors and telemetry devices within the SRR range. In order to save power, the list is only visible for
a short time; the menu is automatically closed after 40 seconds.