User's Manual

Table Of Contents
3 Patient Alarms and INOPs
Display INOPs
ECG, Arrhythmia, QT and ST INOPs
INOP tone
The Multi-measurement Module is not supported by your monitor. Contact your service personnel.
INOP tone
The MMS extensions not supported by your monitor. Contact your service personnel.
NO PPV FROM FMS The measurement device does not supply a beat-to-beat arterial pressure value. Contact your service
NO PPV FROM MMS The measurement device does not supply a beat-to-beat arterial pressure value. Contact your service
INOP Message, Indication What to do
INOP Message, Indication What to do
Indep.Dsp Malfunc. There is a problem with the Independent Display. Check the MSL coupling cable then contact your
service personnel.
Indep.Dsp NotSupp. The monitor does not support a second main display. The monitor software is incompatible. Contact
your service personnel.
Intell.Dsp Malf. There is a problem with the Intelligent Display. Check the MSL coupling cable then contact your
service personnel.
Intell.Dsp Missing The monitor has lost contact with the connected Intelligent Display. Contact your service personnel.
Intell.Dsp Unsupp. The monitor does not support the connected Intelligent Display. The monitor software is
INOP Message, Indication What to do
HR Numeric is replaced by -?-
for 10 seconds.
INOP tone
The C electrode (AAMI: V electrode) has become detached from the patient or the lead set has been
changed. Reattach the electrode or select New Lead Setup in the Setup ECG menu to confirm the
new lead set.
CANNOT ANALYZE ECG The arrhythmia algorithm cannot reliably analyze the ECG data. Check the ECG signal quality of the
selected primary and secondary leads. If necessary, improve lead position or reduce patient motion.
If you have arrhythmia analysis on, and you are not getting a reliable HR because the signal is below a
minimum amplitude, unstable, or contains artifact, and you have tried to improve the system
performance by choosing another lead and changing electrodes, you should consider turning
arrhythmia analysis off.
CANNOT ANALYZE QT The QT algorithm cannot generate a valid QT value for more than 10 minutes, or 1 minute in the
initial phase.
CANNOT ANALYZE ST The ST algorithm cannot generate a valid ST value. Possible causes are large variations in the measured
ST values for consecutive beats, or ventricular paced beats. Review the ECG signal quality and the ST
measurement points.
If the patient has a ventricular pacemaker, ST analysis is not possible.
The ECG signal from the named ECG electrodes [RA, LA, LL, RL, V (or C)] is noisy. Check the ECG
connections and make sure that the electrode indicated is attached.
Numeric is replaced by -?-
INOP tone
Contact your service personnel.
The ECG hardware is faulty.