User's Manual

Table Of Contents
1 Introduction
Up to three modified Screens can be accessed via the Change Screen menu.
To recall Screens, either
select the name of the Screen in the
Change Screen menu
use the previous/next arrows at the top of the
Change Screen menu to move back and forth in
the Screen history. The ten most recently-used Screens including up to three modified Screens can
be accessed.
After a patient discharge, the monitor's default Screen is shown. Modified Screens are still available in
Change Screen menu.
If the monitor is switched off and then on again, modified Screens are erased from the monitor's
memory and cannot be recalled. If a modified Screen was the last active Screen when the monitor was
switched off, it is retained (unless
Automat. Default is configured to Yes).
Connecting Additional Displays to the Monitor
You can connect a second display, showing the same Screen as the main display, to your monitor, for
viewing only.
If you have the optional independent display interface, you can connect a second display which can be
configured and operated individually using standard input devices.
For monitors with multiple displays and multiple input devices, the usage and behavior can be
configured according to specific requirements at installation (for example, use for two independent
operators or tracking of mouse input across two displays). For details refer to the Service Guide.
When two operators are using two displays, the scope of an action depends on the type of operation:
Patient monitoring operations such as Silence or Pause alarms take effect for the monitor as a
whole, the results will be seen on both displays.
Display operations such as the
Main Screen key and Back hardkey will take effect only on the
display being operated.
If you are operating two displays with one remote control, to navigate from one display to another:
1 Move the highlight to the Main Screen key and then turn one click further.
The highlighting moves to a special "jump" field at the edge of the Screen.
2 Press the navigation knob on the remote control to confirm; the highlighting will automatically
move to the other display.
The content of each Screen can be changed individually as described in the previous section. If you are
operating two displays, you can choose Screens for both displays from one location:
1 Select Profiles in the monitor info line of the first display,
2 Select Display 1, or Display 2, then select the Screen you want to appear on that display from the
list of available Screens.
When two displays are mounted next to each other or one above the other, a special Screen can be
assigned which spans across both displays. The Screen content for these Tall and Wide Screens can
then use the increased area available with two displays. These Screens appear in the Screen list with a
special Tall Screen or Wide Screen symbol.