User's Manual

Table Of Contents
4 Managing Patients
Use the My Care Group pop-up keys to navigate through the Care Groups:
My Unit lets you view a list of all the Information Centers in your Care Unit. Select an Information
Center to see a list of the monitors connected to it. Select any monitor to see the Other Patient
window for that bed.
Other Units lets you view a list of all the Care Units in your Care Domain. Select any Care Unit to
view a list of the Information Centers connected to it. Select an Information Center to see a list of
the monitors connected to it. Select any monitor to see the Other Bed window for that bed.
Alarming Beds lets you view a list of all beds in your care group with an unacknowledged alarm.
The beds are listed in order of alarm severity.
Viewing the Other Bed Window
The Other Bed window lets you view a subset of the waveform and numeric information from another
bed on the same network. Waves and numeric information from another bed are delayed. If
configured, Other Bed information is displayed in color, using the colors defined by the Information
The Other Bed window can be configured to pop-up automatically when an alarm occurs at another
bed. To avoid too many windows appearing (for example, in large care groups) and covering the
monitor's own bed data on the screen, you can temporarily disable this automatic pop-up:
1 Select Main Setup then Network followed by Auto Window
2 Select Disabled
When automatic pop-up is disabled in this way, an icon will appear as a reminder in the Care Group
Overview Bar next to the monitor's own bed label . Depending on the configuration, the
automatic pop-up is disabled for five minutes or until you set it to
Enabled again.
To open the Other Bed window, select the required bed label or patient name in the Care Group
Overview Bar. If you are in a Unit Group with many beds, the
My Care Group window may open
for you to select the bed.
The Other Bed window may be configured to display embedded in a specially designed Screen.
To display the embedded Other Bed screen element, in the
Change Screen menu, select a Screen
designed to show the Other Bed information permanently.