User's Manual

KWR144801/01, KWR144802/01 & KWR144803/01
Status :Draft
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Philips Home Control Company Restricted
2. General product description
2.1 Product functions
These products are making for Vizio BlueTooth internet ETV (KWR144801/01), Digital Media Adaptor
(KWR144803/01) & Blue-ray player (KWR144802/01). It is a combine function of
Remote control
Touch pad mouse
Qwerty Keyboard
IR DB slave module
Upgradable DB for end user via Bluetooth, search by model number
Accelerometer for gaming, report raw data to host
2.2 Description of processes
Any key system idle for
Is pressed
more than few seconds
This remote will contain below functions:
key scan info
data from Bluetooth interface
IR signal is generated to target device via IR LED or
RF signal is generated to target device via Bluetooth module.
When the keyboard facing to the user side, pressing any keyboard button will trigger the product send
key event to the target device.
Stop mode
Active mode