Operation Manual

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Spectra Enhanced 7 Operations Manual, PTZDome Cameras
C6653M-B | 06/20
Configuring TLS
TLS Configuration lets you set the TLS mode to either disabled, optional, or required. You must install or
generate a certificate before enabling HTTPS.
The TLS settings page includes TLS configuration modes and certificate generation. The camera can
generate a certificate signing request (CSR) that can be sent to a certificate authority for a signature (for
example, VeriSign®), or it can generate a self-signed certificate using the Generate Self-Signed Certificate
l Disabled: Disables HTTPS communications with the device.
l Optional: Requires that you install a signed TLS certificate and enables HTTPS access to the
device, however the device will still be available over HTTP.
1. Select TLS from the Network menu.
2. If no certificate has been installed, install one now:
a. Click Install New Certificate.
b. Select the appropriate certificate installation method: Generate Self-signed Certificate,
Generate Certificate Request, or Upload Certificate.
Upload Certificate should only be used if you have already generated a certificate using
Generate Certificate Request.
c. Click Next.
d. Enter information requested in the Certificate area.
e. Click Generate Certificate.
3. Select your TLS mode:
l Disabled: Disables HTTPS communications with the device.
l Optional: Requires that you install a signed TLS certificate and enables HTTPS access to the
camera; however, the camera will still be available over HTTP.
4. Click Save.
Configuring Traffic Shaping
You can use the traffic shaping function if the frame rate at your client is significantly lower than you would
expect from the camera.
Your camera can produce large I-frames, resulting in a traffic burst within each group of pictures as the
camera transmits the frame; if your network infrastructure does not have the speed or buffering capacity to
smooth out the traffic, you might experience slow or jittery video. From the Traffic Shaping page, you can
control the average transmission rate over a 2 ms period and limit traffic bursts coming from the camera to
help you prevent frame losses at your client resulting from traffic bursts produced by the camera.
Note: Limiting the transmission rate might increase video latency. The setting also limits all of the
video data coming from the camera. For this reason, set the limit to more than the video bit rate times
the number of connections to the camera that are receiving the data.
1. Go to the Traffic Shaping page from the Network menu.
2. Enable Traffic Shaping with or without bursts, depending on your need.
l Disabled: Camera will send data at full network hardware link speed (for example: 100 Mbps or
1 Gbps).