Installation Guide

Connection example
When connecting with a PC directly
<Required cable>
LAN cable (category 5 or better, cross, STP*)
* E model only
When connecting to a network using a PoE hub
<Required cable>
LAN cable (category 5 or better, straight, STP*)
* E model only
 • Thevideomonitorisusedforcheckingtheadjustmentoftheangularfieldofviewwheninstallingthecameraorwhen
servicing. It is not provided for recording/monitoring use.
 • Dependingonthemonitor,somecharacters(cameratitle,presetID,etc.)maynotbedisplayedonthescreen.
 • Useaswitchinghuborarouterwhichiscompliantwith10BASE-T/100BASE-TX.
 • Powersupplyisrequiredforeachnetworkcamera.WhenusingaPoEdevice(hub),12VDCpowersupplyisunnec-
PoE device (hub)
LAN cable (category 5
or better, straight, STP*)
Video monitor
(for adjustment use only)
Video monitor
(for adjustment use only)
LAN cable
(category 5 or better,
straight, STP*)
LAN cable
(category 5 or better, straight, STP*)
Powered speaker
Microphone (option)
Powered speaker
Microphone (option)
To the power supply
(12 V DC)
LAN cable
(category 5 or better, cross, STP*)
Powered speaker (option)
Microphone (option)