Operating Instructions

* Pokazatelj se mijenja ovisno o
položaju mikrofona.
Promjena položaja mikrofona
Možete promijeniti položaj mikrofona na ZOOM da bi zvuk koji snimate bio naglašen. Promijenite položaj mikrofona
ovisno o uporabi.
Položaj mikrofona Preporučena uporaba *
Radi kao uobičajeni stereo mikrofon.
Prikladno za snimanje događaja poput sastanaka ili
izvedbi velikog broja ljudi.
Zvuk koji snimate je ovime naglašen.
Prikladno za snimanje događaja poput predavanja ili
intervjua, gdje se zvuk emitira iz određenog smjera.
Switching microphone position
Microphone position Recommended uses
STEREO Suitable for recording events such as a meeting or
performance by a large number of people.
Operates as an ordinary stereo microphone.
Suitable for recording events such as a lecture or
interview, where sound is emitted from a speci c
Records with the sound in front of you emphasised.
The indication changes depending
on the microphone position.
You can switch the microphone position to ZOOM to record with the sound in front of you emphasised. Switch the
microphone position depending on the use.
* This unit has recording scenes (page 20) for which the recommended recording settings are registered for each
use, and switching the microphone position also changes the recording scene. (Direct scene (page 23))
* Do not switch the microphone position during recording. The intended recording characteristics will not be obtained.
The microphone position function operates when the built-in microphone is used. It does not operate when an external microphone
is connected for recording (
page 33) or when a different device is connected for recording to this unit (
page 35).
VQT4J81_RR-XS450_420-E_En.indd 14 2012/05/29 9:35:42
Switching microphone position
Microphone position Recommended uses
STEREO Suitable for recording events such as a meeting or
performance by a large number of people.
Operates as an ordinary stereo microphone.
Suitable for recording events such as a lecture or
interview, where sound is emitted from a speci c
Records with the sound in front of you emphasised.
The indication changes depending
on the microphone position.
You can switch the microphone position to ZOOM to record with the sound in front of you emphasised. Switch the
microphone position depending on the use.
* This unit has recording scenes (page 20) for which the recommended recording settings are registered for each
use, and switching the microphone position also changes the recording scene. (Direct scene (page 23))
* Do not switch the microphone position during recording. The intended recording characteristics will not be obtained.
The microphone position function operates when the built-in microphone is used. It does not operate when an external microphone
is connected for recording (
page 33) or when a different device is connected for recording to this unit (
page 35).
VQT4J81_RR-XS450_420-E_En.indd 14 2012/05/29 9:35:42
Switching microphone position
Microphone position Recommended uses
STEREO Suitable for recording events such as a meeting or
performance by a large number of people.
Operates as an ordinary stereo microphone.
Suitable for recording events such as a lecture or
interview, where sound is emitted from a speci c
Records with the sound in front of you emphasised.
The indication changes depending
on the microphone position.
You can switch the microphone position to ZOOM to record with the sound in front of you emphasised. Switch the
microphone position depending on the use.
* This unit has recording scenes (page 20) for which the recommended recording settings are registered for each
use, and switching the microphone position also changes the recording scene. (Direct scene (page 23))
* Do not switch the microphone position during recording. The intended recording characteristics will not be obtained.
The microphone position function operates when the built-in microphone is used. It does not operate when an external microphone
is connected for recording (
page 33) or when a different device is connected for recording to this unit (
page 35).
VQT4J81_RR-XS450_420-E_En.indd 14 2012/05/29 9:35:42
Switching microphone position
Microphone position Recommended uses
STEREO Suitable for recording events such as a meeting or
performance by a large number of people.
Operates as an ordinary stereo microphone.
Suitable for recording events such as a lecture or
interview, where sound is emitted from a speci c
Records with the sound in front of you emphasised.
The indication changes depending
on the microphone position.
You can switch the microphone position to ZOOM to record with the sound in front of you emphasised. Switch the
microphone position depending on the use.
* This unit has recording scenes (page 20) for which the recommended recording settings are registered for each
use, and switching the microphone position also changes the recording scene. (Direct scene (page 23))
* Do not switch the microphone position during recording. The intended recording characteristics will not be obtained.
The microphone position function operates when the built-in microphone is used. It does not operate when an external microphone
is connected for recording (
page 33) or when a different device is connected for recording to this unit (
page 35).
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Uređaj ima scene snimanja (→ str. 20) za koje se, prilikom svake uporabe, bilježe preporučene postavke snimanja,
a promjenom položaja mikrofona također se mijenjaju scene snimanja. (Izravna scena (→ str. 23))
Tijekom snimanja nemojte mijenjati položaj mikrofona jer se tako željene karakteristike snimanja neće sačuvati.
Funkcija promjene položaja mikrofona radi i kada se koristi ugrađeni mikrofon. Funkcija ne radi kada se za snimanje
koristi spojeni vanjski mikrofon (→ str. 33) ili kada je na uređaj spojen drugi uređaj za snimanje (→ str. 35).