Operating instructions

Prijenos glazbenih datoteka na uređaj
Možete uživati u slušanju glazbe tako da s računala prenesete glazbene datoteke na ovaj uređaj. Na
ovom se uređaju mogu reproducirati glazbene datoteke formata MP3, WMA, PCM (WAV)*.
* Samo datoteke formata PCM (WAV) snimljene ovim uređajem.
Prijenos glazbenih datoteka s
računala na ovaj uređaj
Prethodno otvorite mapu MUSIC na ovom uređaju.
(→ str. 65)
1. Odaberite glazbenu datoteku i desnim klikom
odaberite [Copy] (Kopiraj).
2. Odaberite mapu MUSIC na uređaju i desnim
klikom odaberite [Paste] (Zalijepi) za prijenos na
Na uređaju je moguće reproducirati do 199 prenesenih
datoteka. Ako se stvaraju podmape, broj datoteka koje je
moguće reproducirati smanjuje se za broj koji odgovara
broju stvorenih podmapa.
Nikada nemojte isključivati uređaj ili vaditi SD-
karticu dok se prikazuje poruka "ACCESS..." jer bi
se uređaj mogao oštetiti.
Moguće je stvoriti podmape u mapi MUSIC za
prijenos i reprodukciju datoteka. Detalje o strukturi
mape potražite na str. 69.
Dodavanjem brojeva na početak naziva datoteka
možete omogućiti reprodukciju u svakoj mapi željenim
redoslijedom. (→ str. 68)
Ovaj uređaj ne podržava PD-DRM i DRM10.
Transferring music les to this unit
* Using [drag and drop], you can import the files to the
computer as well.
* Never disconnect the unit or remove the SD card
“ACCESS…” is displayed, otherwise this unit
may be damaged.
* You can create subfolders in the MUSIC folder to
ansfer and play back files. For folder structure, see
page 69.
* When playing back files in the MUSIC folder, the order
of pla
yback will be the same as the order of transfer to
this unit. (When transferring multiple files at a time, the
computer determines the order of transfer.) However,
if numbers are added at the beginning of file names,
the order of playback is determined based on the
numbers. ( page 68)
* This unit does not support PD-DRM and DRM10.
You can enjoy music by transferring music files stored in the computer to this unit.
This unit can play back MP3, WMA, and PCM (WAV)
music files.
Only PCM (WAV) files recorded on this unit.
Transferring music les to this unit
from the computer
Open MUSIC folder of this unit beforehand.
( page 65)
1. Select a music le, right-click and select
2. Select MUSIC folder of this unit, right-click
and select [Paste] to transfer to this unit.
Up to 199 of transferred files can be played on this unit.
If subfolders are created, number of files playable is
reduced by the equivalent number of subfolders created.
* Never disconnect the unit or remove the SD card
“ACCESS…” is displayed, otherwise this unit
may be damaged.
* You can create subfolders in the MUSIC folder to
ansfer and play back files. For folder structure, see
page 69.
* You can play the files in each folder in the desired
order b
y adding numbers to the beginning of file
names. ( page 68)
* This unit does not support PD-DRM and DRM10.
VQT4J81_RR-XS450_420-E_En.indd 71 2012/05/29 9:35:49