Operating instructions

To Select the Recording Duration
and Perform Timer Recording
(OTR Recording)
OTR means One-Touch Recording and is called this way,
because you can start recording and select the recording
duration by repeatedly pressing a single button. This is very
convenient, for example when you want to start recording
immediately but need to go out or want to go to bed.
After the selected recording duration has elapsed, recording
stops and the VCR automatically switches off.
To Perform an OTR Recording:
1 Display the VCR picture on the TV.
2 Insert a video cassette with an intact erasure prevention
3 Press the Channel buttons N to select the programme
position on which the TV programme to be recorded will
be broadcast.
4 Press the REC/OTR button f to start recording.
5 Press the REC/OTR button f repeatedly to select the
desired recording duration.
Every time you press this button, the recording
duration indicated in the VCR display changes in the
following order.
For example, if you select 30, the VCR records a
programme from that moment on for 30 minutes.
To Stop the OTR Recording Before the End:
Press the Stop button 9.
This function also works during Direct TV Recording.
Counter display
(normal recording mode)