Operating Instructions

If many notifications were sent from the hub in a short time, notifications may be received late. This
is a characteristic your mobile device’s notifications service.
The siren stops sounding or flashing before I cancel an alert
R When the alarm system is triggered, the hub signals the siren to begin sounding or flashing its strobe
light. If the alert has not been canceled, the hub signals the siren to stop sounding or flashing 1 minute
later. If for some reason the hub cannot signal the siren, the siren stops by itself after an additional
1 minute (i.e., about 2 minutes after it first began sounding or flashing).
Refer to the following after checking the general troubleshooting information described in “General
information”, Page 117.
[Device is in use.] is displayed
R Another user (i.e., mobile device) is already accessing the hub, the same screen, or the same feature.
Wait for the other user to finish and then try again.
A “conflict” error is displayed on the scenario screen or when configuring a scenario
R The scenario’s conditions (day, time, and arm mode) overlap with another scenario that is configured
to control the same device.
Edit the scenario so that it does not conflict with another scenario.
Camera recording does not start immediately after the sensor is triggered
R When using a smart control scenario to record camera images, there may be a short delay after the
sensor is triggered before recording starts. This is not a malfunction.
Camera recordings are shorter than they should be
R If you configure a smart control scenario to record camera images when triggered by a sensor, and if
the sensor is triggered multiple times, subsequent recordings may be shorter than anticipated.
This is not a malfunction. Camera recordings for the same camera cannot overlap, therefore if the
sensor is triggered multiple times, recordings may be shorter than anticipated.
In the example below, the system is configured to record 10 minutes of camera video when the
motion sensor is triggered. The sensor was triggered at 12:00 and the system recorded 10 minutes
of video. When the sensor was triggered again at 12:05, recording was already underway, so the
system waited until 12:10 (when the first recording stopped) and recorded 5 minutes from the
second trigger.
The first recording is 10 minutes long, and the second is 5 minutes long.
Sensor was triggered
Overlap (already recording)