Product Specs

Upon system start-up the Diagnostics shall be accessible via Cruise App. Following Diagnostics messages
can be accessed by Cruise App.
Diagnostic Messages
High or Low Variant
List the enumerations as High and Low
Bluetooth Status
List the enumerations as Bluetooth Enabled and
Bluetooth Not Enabled
Wi-Fi Status
List the enumerations as Wi-Fi Enabled and Wi-Fi Not
USB Status
List the enumerations as USB Supported and USB Not
Ethernet On/Off
List the enumerations as Ethernet On and Off
Input Voltage
Display input voltage to HPDC
SoC Thermistor Temperature
Display operating temperature of the SoC chip (die)
PMICThermistor Temperature
Display operating temperature of the PMIC chip (die)
Thermistor TH2 Temperature
Display Themistor TH2 temperature
MSM Thermistor TH3 Temperature
Display Themistor TH3 temperature
EMMC Thermistor TH4 Temperature
Display Themistor TH4 temperature
PWM Duty Cycle
Display PWM duty cycle
Available Wi-Fi Networks
Display information about all available networks
Connected Wi-Fi Network
Display Information (SSID, RSSI, etc) of the currently
connected network.
Wi-Fi MAC Address
Display MAC address of Wi-Fi
Bluetooth MAC address
Display MAC address of Bluetooth
Ethernet MAC address
Display MAC address of Ethernet
ECU Serial Number
Display ECU serial number
ECU Part Number
Display customer ECU part number
ECU SW Part Number
Display customer ECU SW part number
ECU HW Part Number
Display System Supplier ECU HW Number
SW Version Number
Display System Supplier ECU SW Version Number
HW Version Number
Display System Supplier ECU HW Version Number
HW Supplier ID
Display HW Supplier ID
Boot Cycle Counter
Display boot cycle counter
FIDM HW Version
Display FIDM HW Version Number as requested by
FIDM FW Version
Display FIDM FW Version Number as requested by
End of life for read/write
Input Voltage Limit Error DTC
DTC to detect if the input voltage exceeded allowed