User's Manual Part 2

Family Message Board is an application program that enables
you to share memorandums or schedule events with your
family or friends. By registering you as a member and joining a
group, you can share entered memorandums or schedule
events with members of same group. Further, you can check
memorandums or schedule events of your group by using
compatible TV.
You are separately charged a packet communication fee.
© Panasonic Mobile Communications Co.,Ltd.
Software list
(Family Message Board)
Read “
(Exemption clause)” thoroughly
(Agree with Exemption Clause)”
If you put a check mark for “次回から表示しない (Does not show from the next
time)”, “免責事項 (Exemption clause)” does not appear when you start the
program next time.
User’s Registration
You need to do user’s registration for the first time.
If you select “アプリの説明を見る (See explanation of this software program)”,
explanation of this software program appears.
Setting Group
You need to set your group for the first time.
新しいグループを作る (Make a new group)
. . . . You can make a new group as a manager. Make a new group following the
instructions on the display.
グループに参加 (Join a group)
. . . . You can join a group that has already existed. Join a group following the
instructions on the display.
The group in which one user can join is only one group.
ファミリー伝言板(Family Message Board)
You can download the time schedule of trains, and can count
down the departure time of the train on a minute/second basis.
The schedule store function is also provided to notify you of the
departure time by making an alarm tone sound. You can
update the time schedule from the menu, and further, you can
search for the nearest station using the GPS function.
You are separately charged a packet communication fee for
For details, refer to “ヘルプ (Help)” in the menu.
Powered by JR Travel Navigator
Software listのりかえ君-P (Norikaekun-P)
Read “免責事項 (Exemption clause)” thoroughly
Select an item.
駅名入力/時刻表登録 (Enter station name/Store time schedule)
. . . Stores the time schedule for the station you want to use.
全体設定/ヘルプ/免責事項 (Whole setting/Help/Exemption clause)
. . . Sets a font size, and display “ヘルプ (Help)” or “責事項 (Exemption
アプリ終了 (End Widget αppli program)
. . . Ends a Widget αppli program.
時刻表ウィジェット (Timetable Widget)