
Chapter 16 Setting Preferences for Your Handheld
Adding a DNS number
If your ISP or dial-in server requires a DNS number and you did not enter that
information in the Network Preferences screen, it will appear that you successfully
logged in to your network. When you try to use an application or look up
information, however, the connection fails. If this occurs, try adding a DNS IP
address. Ask your ISP or your system administrator for the correct primary and
secondary DNS IP address.
Setting Personal Preferences
The Personal Preferences category enables you to access screens where you can
customize the buttons, colors, owner information, and Graffiti 2 ShortCuts on your
handheld. This section provides details about each of these screens.
To open the Personal Preferences screens:
1. Tap the Home icon .
2. Tap the Prefs icon .
3. From the Personal Preferences list, select the name of the Preferences screen you
want to view.
You can also press Left, Right, Up, and Down on the navigator to highlight
a Preferences screen name and then press Select on the navigator to open that
Preferences screen.
Buttons Preferences
The Buttons Preferences screen enables you to assign a frequently used application
to the Favorite icon, and to associate various applications with the buttons on the
front and side of the handheld.
Calculator is assigned to the Favorite icon by default. But if you use Memo Pad
more frequently, you can assign Memo Pad to the icon so that you don’t have to
scroll through the Applications Launcher whenever you want to use Memo Pad.
Any changes you make in the Buttons Preferences screen become effective
immediately; you do not have to change to a different screen or application.