
Chapter 4 Page 69
Important: The first time you perform a HotSync operation, you
must select a username in the New User dialog box and
choose OK. Every organizer must have a unique name. To
prevent undesirable results, never try to synchronize
more than one organizer to the same username.
The HotSync dialog box appears and synchronization begins.
4. Wait for a message on your organizer indicating that the process is
After the HotSync process is complete, you can remove your
organizer from the cradle.
Categorizing records
Categorize records in the Address Book, To Do List, Memo Pad, and
Expense applications so that they are grouped logically and are easy
to review. (You can also categorize applications. See “Using the
Applications Launcher” in Chapter 3 for more information.)
When you create a record, your organizer automatically places it in
the category that is currently displayed. If the category is All, your