
Index Page 287
applications 48–51
batteries 9
conduit to install
applications 192
Desktop software 13, 239
Mail. See Mail, desktop
InSync Online 126
Interface elements 19
International characters
Graffiti writing 38
onscreen keyboard 41
Internet. See iMessenger application
and Query applications
IP address
for Network preferences 220
for Palm.Net proxy server 227
for service template 218
IR port 6
See also Beaming information
Items. See To Do List or Expense
computer 41
onscreen 19, 41, 206
Kilobytes (KB) 131, 134, 136
font style 82
Graffiti 31, 34
onscreen keyboard 41
List, in Applications Launcher 46
Locking the organizer with a
password 54–55, 206, 224
Log of iMessenger transactions 141
Login scripts 221, 263
Looking up Address Book data
to add to other records 75–76
scrolling in Address List 73
to add to e-mail (Mail) 170–171
to add to messages (iMessenger
application) 149–150
Lost organizer, contact for 97
Lost records 243
1-2-3, for expense reports 260
cc:Mail 164
Organizer, importing data
from 42
Macintosh compatibility 4, 159
address lookup 170–171
attachments 181
BCC (blind carbon copy) 171,
changing setup 166
closing e-mail 167
confirm delivery 171, 174
confirm read 171, 174
creating e-mail 167–169
deleting e-mail 177
desktop configuration 164–166
different from iMessenger
application 138
draft e-mail 175
editing unsent e-mail 174
filing e-mail 176
filtering options 180–184
folders 178
fonts 81
HotSync options 165–166
menus 185
opening e-mail 166
overview 163–164
priority of delivery 171, 172
purging deleted e-mail 178
recovering deleted e-mail 177
replying to e-mail 169
sending 174
showing dates 179
signature 171, 173–174
sorting e-mail 179
synchronizing 166
truncating e-mail 185
viewing e-mail 166
Mailbox on Palm.Net network 157
Main applications 20
Maintenance information 229